**Senior blogger John Kubicek from Buddy.tv pointed out (excellently) at least 10 major points as to why last night was the BEST ever, but here are my top 4:
1. Meredth Loves the Chief-from the excitement then loss over her pregnancy, quietly yet painfully watching her man take a bullet, knocking out BFF Yang to save her man, and operating on her nemisis while her man is being saved... Meredith proved finally that she is hopelessly devoted to her husband Dr. Shepard. LOVED it. 2. Operating Room/Shooter Scene- When Owen smoothly transitioned into the OR where the audience sees Yang operating at gunpoint- I know the whole nation was like ERR?!?! WhattheJOEJACKSONHELL did we miss?!?! But alas... that was just EXCELLENT writing!!
3. April the Intern-from her stumbling over her best friend's bloody body in the first 20 min. to her Emmy-award worthy freak-outs, stammers, and shock moments... she just became a new favorite character of mine last night. Awesome job!!
4. Baleigh's Breakdowns- Baleigh's line, "WHAT is that in my eye?! There's water in my eye?!?" as she's operating under the worst conditions and begins to break down... was the best. I teared up. It set the tone for the entire episode... life's hard, but you have to keep operating in spite of the tears!
Thankfully everyone that I wanted to survive did... and well... let me know what you think of the episode- Watch the FULL SEASON FINALE Here and your thoughts for next season.
-Artist (with real messaging & intelligent presentation) HaZiQ debuted his first video-soon to air on MTV2- from his debut project. The video combines two of his singles, "Freedom" then seques to "Hussla" and the release party/showcase held at SLICE in Atlanta on Wednesday night, was a HUGE success!!!! Standing room only! Check out the video, support the movement of good music. For more HaziQ check his blogspot.
With that, I'm going to enjoy this Friday rain!
OMG,Greys was insane! So good!