It's the weekend when women everywhere storm movie theatres to catch the much anticipated SEX AND THE CITY 2!!!!!! I decided to list why I'm so devoted, as well as further encourage you to see the film of the summer.
WHY I ADORE SATC- My love for the show began during season one, when an immediate connection was formed. I was a 17 year-old Junior in High School living in lil' ol' Chester, VA and probably the farthest example from the show's main character, Carrie Bradshaw. Carrie Bradshaw. The writer in Manhattan, NY living the fashionable, chic, fast-paced, date-filled, sexually-charged life whilst in her 30's. Soon after my affair began, I got my Ma, friends, and sistah/family members hooked weekly to HBO, living vicariously through the ever-fabulous Carrie and her four amazing friends.
It wasn't just the excellent writing- a feat that has yet to be duplicated on any television sitcom for that matter IMO- witty and powerful, forcing me to quote dialogue from ALL episodes recorded. It wasn't just the fashion- the first of its kind to delve completely into the worlds of couture, urban fashion, and affordable retail, making designers household names and blending all fashion and style elements effortlessly. Such was the genius of Patricia Field, who excelled at her job so (costume designer/creative muse) the fashion was considered he 6th cast member! It wasn't just the fact that every episode, movie, book and aspect of the brand spoke to the valued importance of sisterhood and maintaining friendships in spite of life's obstacles. A recurring theme in popular culture, the strong message in the 80's during the "Golden Girls" era of television sitcoms was perfected during the 2000's by "Sex And The City."
Women around the world no matter their color or cultural difference can relate to this major theme as errrrrrryone has life and male issues but if you are truly blessed have a girlfriend or two you can share triumphs, tragedy, gain support from and be supportive of. No, I don't think that it is any one of these four major points but the myriad of them all each having more relevance at whatever stage of my life or crazy experience I deal with in my twenty-sexxxy reality. Throughout Undergrad, popping in SATC DVDs and bonding with my girls on Sunday nights, strengthened some of the best friendships I still maintain to this day. When irritated by a man (how often does THAT happen) I can pop in my SATC and the ladies' experiences make me die with laughter at the similarities, parallels and even unimaginable comedy that is dating.
I was fortunate to catch a Tuesday evening screening of the film at Phipps Plaza, as well as a Wednesday night screening at Atlantic Station. That's right. I've already seen it twice (gloat!)! Tuesday night was jammed packed, but well worth the wait as I enjoyed every second! Wednesday was especially cute as it was hosted by Necole Bitchie and Kenny Burns, not especially crowded and had the ever-present ATL photo opt. Atlanta celebrities including Project Runway's Michael Knight, RHOAtlanta's/ Purple Door Salon's Dwight, and The GlamBar Salon ladies were in the house.
In the first film, the four year lapse since the ladies left HBO, the outtacontrol fashion, and Carrie & Big starting their "happily ever after,"were basic yet major points that made for a fluffy, feel-good run. If you swooned over the 1st, you will DIE as the sequel excellently revisits aspects of Carrie's past while exploring the honest complexities of being "newly married." Hell. Married period. Critics of the first film will truly appreciate the second for the realistic ending, better cinematography, and the blatant maturity of all four characters. There was backlash this week against SATC2 for the portrayal of Arabic culture and women in general in the Middle East. While I must do more research on the customs and traditions in Abu Dhabi and in the Middle East in general (no spoiler-plot line deals with Samantha's sexuality being offensive. Shocker.) It even sets the stage for a third film, though there are murmurs that Kim Cattral (Samantha) refuses to play the role ever again. Even if they stop at the sequel, it was a perfect, fun-filled ending to the iconic television/movie/brand.
It's Carrie's coming-of-age tale as she navigates senior year of High School. TOO CUTE!! Copped it!! With that, enjoy the SATC2 movie weekend, enjoy your sistah girlfriends, and drink (responsibly) plenty of cosmopolitans in honor of my FAVORITE series!!!***