-If you read into her "Body Language", it would appear that Pink is making fun of Beyaki during a live performance of "Stupid Girls". At the 0:33 mark, Pink is clearly insulting the gyrations globally associated w. BeYaki...guess Pink's not a fan of slutty dance moves and camel toe. We can't all be stans...
-So earlier in the week pictures circulated on multiple blogsites of Portland Trailblazer's own Greg Oden's penis. Yes... seems like yet another wave of nudie pics, as taken by Greg and sent to his "lady friend" over 8 months ago, surfaced. In reality, the "lady friend" scorned decided to shop the photos around for $$$$. Yesterday, Oden issued an apology statement. "I would like to apologize to everybody: Portland, the fans, the organization, it was very embarrassing." Did Kim Kardashian teach us ANYThing?!?! Oden, I'm surprised such a young guy would fall prey to such an old tactic: sexting/ sext pics. BOOOO!! Upgrade to a more creative activity or a woman with better discretion. JEEZ.
-If you missed the televised Hope for Haiti Now Telethon that aired Friday night on EVERY major network, you missed what could arguably be considered the best telethon ever. Filled-to-the brim with A-list celebrities and performers, it was a two-hour heart gripping night in television for the best purpose- raising funds for Haiti. Artists including Sting, Justin Timberlake, Jay-Z, Rihanna, Bono, Beyonce, Jennifer Hudson to name a few, touched a global audience to give and raised an estimated $57million and counting! The singles from the telethon are available for download at itunes (my FAV songs were Sting's Driven to Tears and J.Timberlake's rendition of Hallelujah) and officially just topped the Billboard Charts. You can still donate to the cause for the next six months. Please give all you can to support Haiti!!!!!!!!

One of my FAVORITE female artists EVER, has just dropped her second studio release, The SEA!!! The melodic and soothing voice that is Corrine's received Grammy's, critical and commercial success in 2008 ("Put Your Records On", "Trouble Sleeping"). An article by ABC.news details her difficult and on-going grief period as well as describes the tone of the new album. A MUST COP!!!!!!!!
Ususally I don't do this... but uh...CHECK IT OUT!!!!!! (Click link)
-I was sent this at wk by a certain Chi-townBestie, and I just couldn't resist re-posting. WHATTHEJOEJACKSONHELL indeed?!?! I can't take it seriously, from the many typos in the invite to the mall-pic poses. WOW. Someone, get your cousins!!!
*With that, I'm headed home to watch and write about tonight's Presidential address and review this Apple Tablet hype. Yea, I fell victim too. Oh! Who's playing that drinking game during the Presidential Address this evening??? Although put on late... I'll be playing!!!!
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