When In Love... ALWAYS get that PRENUP?!?!
- The American Dream (bka-DREAM) and Christina Milian are now married, and MTO is reporting did not sign a prenup. Rewind: Christina Milian- who had an F-list singing career in the early millennium, acted in several Disney movies, also dated (for 2 years) and starred in a film with Nick Cannon (yes.), has married Dream- R&B Sensation that has produced hits for errybody in the last 5 years as well as established a formidable solo career, have married on last Friday in Vegas. Dream is worth an alleged "tens of millions", and Milian is worth... well, you know how these stories go. If one needs a reference, simply BING Sir Paul McCartney... Best of luck with this headache Dream. One can only hope you two will forever remain in marital bliss, but considering the reality of both track records, and waning popularity of Auto-Tune (thanks Jigga) doubtful they'll make it to their Golden Anniversary.
Dude Looks Like a Lady? WORD?!
-The South African global track star once accused of being a man, Caster Semenya, was given a makeover for the cover of YOU magazine. A friend sent this article cover, and I must say she does look a bit more feminine... hell. Did the global public really need all that? She can look as masculine as she'd like, especially in 2009, and so long as she has lady parts, she's a female. WHY are they trying to make her a beauty queen to prove she's a woman? It seems ridiculously archaic that she must pose as a glamazon, and not with her medals, in order to be the face of the female track athlete.

Another Glammed Tyler Perry Movie Premiere...No, Not Madea... I Don't Think....
-Tyler Perry is gearing up for his latest movie release: I Can Do Bad All By Myself starring (Howard Graduate) Taraji P. Henson, Gladys Knight, and of course the cross-dressing powerhouse, Tyler Perry. At the movie's premiere last night, everyone looked lovely! There have been many promotions for the flick on your favorite television station, but can anyone tell me an ounce about the plot line? Anyone?? ANYONE? SERIOUSLY?! I swear I've only seen clips of the stars singing, Madea giving a catch phrase, and the movie's release date. WHAT is the plot?? WTH is the story line?? Not sure I'll be first in line at this one kids... we're in a ression. I need to KNOW what is going on b4 I drop $20. Just sayin...
**Quick Hits**:

-Janet Jackson is confirmed to perform this Sunday night at the live taping of the Video Music Awards (VMAs) on MTV!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!! SWOOOON!!! MISS JANET!!!! She's set to open the show, and is also giving an intensely personal interview in Harper's BAzAAR this month. Check the queen, and bow down. :)
-R Kelly and Trey Songz are having a difficuly playing nice... according to the "immature" media (Thanks for re-naming Chris Brown). Trey, who should be happy debuting at Number 5 on the charts this wk is taking shots at R. Kelly. WTH. I'm already getting bored-- can't we focus on the MUSIC?? Sowwy Trey fanz, I'll need more than "LOL SMiley FACE" to designate him the "New" prince of R&B (Raheem DeVaughn, or Dream much?? Don't get distracted cause a man takes his shirt off... lol), and he'll NEVER top Kells. RT that fact!!! LOL
-Whitney Houston's new album, I Look To You, debuted at Number One! WOW??! Take that Miley Cyrus!!!
-I haven't been able to stop listening to BP3 all day today. I know I'm not his biggest fan, but the old man did a decent job this album... enough to keep my attention throughout an entire album. That's daum near impossible from most artists lately. Also, go cop the latest from Raeqwon: he's beating Jigga for the #1 selling spot!!! Charts don't lie...
-CONGRATS to the newest lil' RICHIE: Sparrow James Midnight Madden!! Nicole Richie and boifriend Joel Madden had their second child and everyone (including proud grandpa Lionel) is doing fine.
With that luvs, I hope everyone has a great middle of week, and keep checking back for more posts. I'm overdue, so I may double up!!! LOL. Stay blessed...
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