Happy Tuesday Kids!!!! Yesterday when I got home and settled in for some evening television and wind-down, one of the stories that caught my attention on the news was President Obama announcing he will appear in Denmark this Friday to plea that Chicago receive the Olympic bid for the 2016 Summer Games. The Olympic committee has narrowed down their selections to Madrid, Spain, Tokyo Japan, Rio De Janerio, Brazil and Chicago, Illinois. Chicago and Rio are the two favorite front-runners as there have never been an Olympic Games within South America, and the Leader of the Free World making a special appearance for Chicago carries serious weight.
An Olympic Bid for a City Desperate To Save Their YouthThis announcement comes on the eve of the video footage in the media: Honors student Derrion Albert was taped while beaten to his death by other Chicago youth.
Graphic Story and Video: WARNING-Explicit
In the midst of all of the hullabaloo, I began to think of my travels and experiences with Chicago, and one very recent trip left a memory that will forever be etched in my mind and soul.
Some of my closest friends, all but one met at Howard University, live and work in Chicago. I've often been told stories of the excessive violence within the city, but relegated to the West and South sides-the Urban communities. Not surprisingly, these areas in Chicago also have issues within the school system concerning poor education, high unemployment rates, lack of alternate activities for the youth and declining economic climates. Similar scenarios are repeated in urban cities across America, but Chicago's increasing crime rate and my friends' deeply personal affiliation always left me concerned. During the Fourth of July weekend 2009, (the infamous Taste of Chicago) I witnessed the most horrific act of violence I've ever seen. On the Friday evening of my trip, whilst riding down a heavy-traffic and populated street on the West side of Chicago with my homegirl, we neared a McDonald's and from afar thought we saw a parked vehicle bouncing around to the left. As we drove closer, we had to slow down (we were nearing a traffic light) and realized there were young people jumping on top of the vehicle and surrounding the car was literally a mini-mob (about 20 kids). The youth were loudly chanting, had objects in their hands, and all attention was placed on one individual, it appeared to be a male. The group literally threw him from the top of the vehicle slamming his body to the concrete, then proceeded to stomp and kick him like a ball. When he tried to rise, they grabbed a two-by-four, and smashed his head back towards the ground. This happened twice. They then proceeded to kick and continue stomp the now lifeless-body till he rolled toward another vehicle, which was occupied by the owner. Once the mob-with the intensity of wild animals, hit her truck, she opened her car door and screams, "Get that SHYT OFF OF MY CAR!!!!!!" Pause. There was no immediate cry to stop, threats of police, or screams of sheer terror (all of which we were doing with mouths agape within my friend's vehicle), but, get that shyt off of my car. It hurts my heart to even reflect. The mob obeyed nonetheless, and picked his lifeless body off the ground, and I swear, they carried him off into the night because we never saw what happened to the body. NEVER was it reported on the news. NO one recorded this sighting on their camera phone, and no one called the police. No one.
As a frequent world traveler, I have never seen anything comparable in my life. If it were a scene from a movie, it still wouldn't have sat well, purely based on the disadvantage of one person against a mob. This scene was reality, however, and from what I'm told happens far too often in Chicago. This sentiment is confirmed based on the woman's insensitive and selfish reaction to such violence in broad view. That young man will forever remain nameless, but I pray often that he found peace, as I'm not sure if he survived...my guess is highly unlikely. I realize that hosting an Olympic Games in Chicago would bring pride and economic wealth to many within the city, but if a single child has experiences similar to the one I described, why hasn't the city shut down in attempt to correct the festering problem?? These instances affect many children, a rising total of at least 30 innocent youth have been fatal victims of Chicago violence this year alone. So I question, in a city with one of the highest death tolls in the Nation, should we really be scrambling to host the Olympics??? Shouldn't we, yes we as a Nation, place the focus on seeking solutions for this crime-filled environment (amongst others) now in the spotlight, in an effort to save the youth-the FUTURE of Chicago?? Where are the Nation's priorities?? For if even one person is subjected... I feel...just as I witnessed this summer, that we ALL are affected. Wake up people...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Housewives wrap-up, Classic publicity stunts, & the CLEAVELAND SHOW!!!!
Happy Monday Kids!! It's a beautiful day in the ATown, and I hope you had a great weekend!! I did, as there were PLENTY of activities to fall into! Time for the day's dosage, so LET's GET IIIIIIIIITTTTTT!
-This year Atlanta welcomed over an estimated 80,000 people into the city for party festivities, a Greek step show, and of course the football game!!! Trey Songz opened the afternoon with a rousing concert, he had his legions of screaming women and was more than willing to take photos with fans (AWW!) Chris Rock and Nia Long were the celebrities that tossed the coin at the beginning of the game (promoting their new documentary GOOD HAIR-out in theaters in OCT.) FAMU beat Tennessee State University 31-12 in a packed GA Dome. Now, usually I don't do this...as my loyalty lies with a different University...but GO RATTLERS! I support all HBCU causes and have seen the Marching 100 several times. If you haven't... you haven't seen the best in Black College Bands. They are the definition of excellence, hands down.
-So last week's RHODuluth, I mean RHOAtlanta episode was rather juuuicy!!! So enjoyed it!!! Kim, Kim, KIM!!! She had me sooo tickled last week! The episode featured her in a "dilemma" of weather or not to "take back" BIG POPPA, as she really wants a commitment from him, you know, a RING. Mamwhwhahaha!!! She waxed poetically about how much they love each other, but she needs to know that he can be committed to her and only her. Um, sweetie... HE's MARRIED?!!?! He BROKE his current VOWS with YOU?!?! Is she delirious??? Great to watch. Kandi proved that she is by far the most talented of all Housewives when she SLAUGHTERED her abuse monologue during the "Pocketbook Monolouges" performance. She outshone Lisa "What, I'm not the BEST @ EVERYTHING???" Heartwell, who's lack of acting chops left me b-o-r-e-d. Sheree finally executed her lightly-attended, excessively narcissistic and irritatingly dramatic INDEPENDENCE Party at Door 44. WOW. The party's lowlights included a stripper pole (yawn) and the unveiling of a wall-mural done of Sheree, commissioned and approved by Sheree. WTJoeJackson HELL?!?!?! NeNe, in the midst of this foolishness, had the nerve to get "upset" that Kim decided to record her infamous "Tardy For The Party" without her. She THEN proceeded to cause a messy, juvenile scene and attack both Kim and Kandi. Correction. She TRIED to attack Kandi, but alas, Kandi's a bit too classy and TOO ATown to fall for that crap, so she told NeNe to "BRING IT BACK DOWN" and like a lady walked away from the screeching and often-embarrassing NeNe. WHAT a show! I thoroughly enjoyed!!! In real-time reality news, NeNe's husband Greg is now reported to owe the state of GA over $12,000.00 in back taxes and Kandi just lost her Uncle, so please pray for both cast members. Cant' wait till Thurs.
AKeys & Mashonda Are Getting MESSY Using This Internet?!
- SO, if you haven't heard by now, Alica Keys is the offical girlfriend of famed producer and art collector Swizz Beatz. They've been dating for about 2 years now... but Swizz is STILL legally married (divorce papers have yet to be finalized) to R&B (wanabee) singer Mashonda!!! SCANDAL!!! SO, AKeys and Swizz have been photographed at numerous social functions lately causing eyebrows to raise in consideration of Mashonda's feelings as she has remained rather tight-lipped throughout this entire ordeal. WEll, looks like both ladies have plenty to say, but not face-to-face or woman-to-woman, they're taking it to the NET. BOOOO. Allegedly it began when AKeys took to her Twitter page making remarks about "smart" love, and clearly implying her relationship w. Swizz (though she didn't use his name). Mashonda responded with a rather lengthy note directed @ AKeys, yet published ALL over the net?! She's basically calling AKeys out on her home wrecker ways and asking her to respect the young child involved. WOW. THIS is how we handle it now ladies?? I'm not throwing stones, but last I checked, till the ink dries on the divorce papers, the couple is still united in the eyes of God and, uh, the LAW. Which would make Keys real WRONG, no matter how baaaad she is, better suited for Swizz, or how many banging songs she can play on the piano. I'm just sayin... thoughts??
-President Obama is considering extending school hours as well as the duration of the school year to include summer break to better prepare American students for the advanced global environment. The suggestion sparked controversy, but President Obama insists that the topic will be visited in an attempt to "level the playing field" among other students around the world who are schooled on average 30-25% longer than children in the U.S. I'm all for this latest initiative as I'm a HUGE proponent for education. Your thoughts??
THEY's MARRIED NOW...(An Opportunist & A LAKER No Less?!)
-Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom tied the knot yesterday afternoon in Los Angeles. Considering how tragic I feel this story is, feel free to hit the link to see photos of the wedding party. I think it's like a car crash littered with Lakers players... WHERE they find Kobe and Vanessa?? Oh. E! footed the entire (rumored $1million) bill, and will have "complete" coverage tonight at 7.Surprise, surprise. (SMDH).
-Hands down, one of my new fav. shows for the fall!!!! Everyone's favorite Black friend, Cleaveland, get's his own show Sun. nights on FOX!! It's all about Cleaveland starting over in a new state (VA) with a new family ( a blend of his kids, new wife "Donna" and her 2 bad azzes "Rallo" and "Ralisha") "I know y'all ain't gone leave without makin' these BEDS..." -The young Rallo makes Stewie look tame shawty. I HEART this show, as it's sassy, fresh and many of the voices are recognizable (heyyyy Sannaa Lathan!!) The pilot episode debuted last night, and you MUST watch. Period!!!
Well Kids, I'm going to try and do some work, prep for the new episode of Gossip Girl, and try not to Tweet too much. Have a great afternoon, and write to you soon!!!
-This year Atlanta welcomed over an estimated 80,000 people into the city for party festivities, a Greek step show, and of course the football game!!! Trey Songz opened the afternoon with a rousing concert, he had his legions of screaming women and was more than willing to take photos with fans (AWW!) Chris Rock and Nia Long were the celebrities that tossed the coin at the beginning of the game (promoting their new documentary GOOD HAIR-out in theaters in OCT.) FAMU beat Tennessee State University 31-12 in a packed GA Dome. Now, usually I don't do this...as my loyalty lies with a different University...but GO RATTLERS! I support all HBCU causes and have seen the Marching 100 several times. If you haven't... you haven't seen the best in Black College Bands. They are the definition of excellence, hands down.
-So last week's RHODuluth, I mean RHOAtlanta episode was rather juuuicy!!! So enjoyed it!!! Kim, Kim, KIM!!! She had me sooo tickled last week! The episode featured her in a "dilemma" of weather or not to "take back" BIG POPPA, as she really wants a commitment from him, you know, a RING. Mamwhwhahaha!!! She waxed poetically about how much they love each other, but she needs to know that he can be committed to her and only her. Um, sweetie... HE's MARRIED?!!?! He BROKE his current VOWS with YOU?!?! Is she delirious??? Great to watch. Kandi proved that she is by far the most talented of all Housewives when she SLAUGHTERED her abuse monologue during the "Pocketbook Monolouges" performance. She outshone Lisa "What, I'm not the BEST @ EVERYTHING???" Heartwell, who's lack of acting chops left me b-o-r-e-d. Sheree finally executed her lightly-attended, excessively narcissistic and irritatingly dramatic INDEPENDENCE Party at Door 44. WOW. The party's lowlights included a stripper pole (yawn) and the unveiling of a wall-mural done of Sheree, commissioned and approved by Sheree. WTJoeJackson HELL?!?!?! NeNe, in the midst of this foolishness, had the nerve to get "upset" that Kim decided to record her infamous "Tardy For The Party" without her. She THEN proceeded to cause a messy, juvenile scene and attack both Kim and Kandi. Correction. She TRIED to attack Kandi, but alas, Kandi's a bit too classy and TOO ATown to fall for that crap, so she told NeNe to "BRING IT BACK DOWN" and like a lady walked away from the screeching and often-embarrassing NeNe. WHAT a show! I thoroughly enjoyed!!! In real-time reality news, NeNe's husband Greg is now reported to owe the state of GA over $12,000.00 in back taxes and Kandi just lost her Uncle, so please pray for both cast members. Cant' wait till Thurs.
AKeys & Mashonda Are Getting MESSY Using This Internet?!
- SO, if you haven't heard by now, Alica Keys is the offical girlfriend of famed producer and art collector Swizz Beatz. They've been dating for about 2 years now... but Swizz is STILL legally married (divorce papers have yet to be finalized) to R&B (wanabee) singer Mashonda!!! SCANDAL!!! SO, AKeys and Swizz have been photographed at numerous social functions lately causing eyebrows to raise in consideration of Mashonda's feelings as she has remained rather tight-lipped throughout this entire ordeal. WEll, looks like both ladies have plenty to say, but not face-to-face or woman-to-woman, they're taking it to the NET. BOOOO. Allegedly it began when AKeys took to her Twitter page making remarks about "smart" love, and clearly implying her relationship w. Swizz (though she didn't use his name). Mashonda responded with a rather lengthy note directed @ AKeys, yet published ALL over the net?! She's basically calling AKeys out on her home wrecker ways and asking her to respect the young child involved. WOW. THIS is how we handle it now ladies?? I'm not throwing stones, but last I checked, till the ink dries on the divorce papers, the couple is still united in the eyes of God and, uh, the LAW. Which would make Keys real WRONG, no matter how baaaad she is, better suited for Swizz, or how many banging songs she can play on the piano. I'm just sayin... thoughts??
**Small Doses**
Revamping the School System; Obama Style!!!-President Obama is considering extending school hours as well as the duration of the school year to include summer break to better prepare American students for the advanced global environment. The suggestion sparked controversy, but President Obama insists that the topic will be visited in an attempt to "level the playing field" among other students around the world who are schooled on average 30-25% longer than children in the U.S. I'm all for this latest initiative as I'm a HUGE proponent for education. Your thoughts??
THEY's MARRIED NOW...(An Opportunist & A LAKER No Less?!)
-Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom tied the knot yesterday afternoon in Los Angeles. Considering how tragic I feel this story is, feel free to hit the link to see photos of the wedding party. I think it's like a car crash littered with Lakers players... WHERE they find Kobe and Vanessa?? Oh. E! footed the entire (rumored $1million) bill, and will have "complete" coverage tonight at 7.Surprise, surprise. (SMDH).
-Hands down, one of my new fav. shows for the fall!!!! Everyone's favorite Black friend, Cleaveland, get's his own show Sun. nights on FOX!! It's all about Cleaveland starting over in a new state (VA) with a new family ( a blend of his kids, new wife "Donna" and her 2 bad azzes "Rallo" and "Ralisha") "I know y'all ain't gone leave without makin' these BEDS..." -The young Rallo makes Stewie look tame shawty. I HEART this show, as it's sassy, fresh and many of the voices are recognizable (heyyyy Sannaa Lathan!!) The pilot episode debuted last night, and you MUST watch. Period!!!
Well Kids, I'm going to try and do some work, prep for the new episode of Gossip Girl, and try not to Tweet too much. Have a great afternoon, and write to you soon!!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Humpday Randomness, Rapist Of The Ear, and Do People READ Anymore?
Happy Wednesday kids!!!!!! Everyone in the city is trying to recover from the storm...dragging themselves back into work and picking up the pieces of life. Prayers and thoughts go out to all the families that lost in the midst of the ATown Flood 2009. It was very serious... but in all seriousness we should find laughter. A friend sent this posting that had me cracking up (Will this joke EVER get less funny??)
OKAY. Moving along... I didn't post yesterday's foolishness, so this may be a bit lengthy. LET'S GET IIIIIITTTTT!!!!!
This Season: Couch Time With Oprah Is GREAT AGAIN!!
-Today, Oprah is conducting an extremely in-depth interview of child star Mackensie Phillips. Phillips allegedly details child abuse and sexual exploits with several known Hollywood men. Phillips also will discuss her drug use, and arrests, the classic Hollywood rights-of-passage. Scandalous, but great television nonetheless! This is the Ol'Skool Oprah show I love...
LIL' WAYNE May Have Yet Another Baby Mama in 2009:
-Birth control anyone? Reports continue to surface about the latest baby-in-waiting. That's right, Lil' Wayne may have fathered another child with "Sarah", who is allegedly 7 months pregnant. Now, I can't imagine really sexxing "every girl in the world" but it would seem THIS is Wayne's philosophy...and without protection no less. Anyone interested in this story?
DWTS Sesaon 9 May Watch:
-So I tend to only watch one major star per season, this year the producers are introducing over 16 stars total!! Skipping the fluff~ R&B pop tart Mya (yea) is dancing as well as Macy Grey!!!! Last night's debut of the women's competition was himscarical to watch!!!! Mya scored highest of all the ladies (no shocker) but it was Macy's seemingly-high-while-waltz-ing performance that had me ROTFL!!!! The judges tried their hardest to compliment, but it was an overall train wreck. Macy had the lowest.score. of. the. night. DEF going to watch the eliminations tonight. Any "stars" you're particularly interested in watching?

-Disney is gearing promotions of the release of their FIRST, FULLY-ANIMATED, FULL-LENGTH Princess film starring a BLACK Princess!!!!!!!! The Princess and the Frog, will arrive in theaters on December 11. I am too excited, you would think I was 5 again!! Great thing I have the smartest niece on the planet, as she'll be my date for the premier this holiday season. I'm sure she'll want some paraphernalia too... so I must shop for items... you know...for my niece... (Don't judge me).
- I am not a Plies fan. Personally, he insights nausea as many of his lyrics are too sexually perverted for my taste. I think of him as a "rapist of the ear" as many of my fav. rappers tend to 'finesse the panties', or their female listeners; Plies screams, tears, and TAKES the cookie?! (SHUDDER). Maybe this is a sign-o-tha-times, but I was completely shocked and appalled the very first time I heard Plies' latest single, "Becky". In short, the song is an homage to the joy of receiving fellatio, otherwise dubbed as , "Becky" (as Caucasian women are stereotyped to be more skilled and willing in that sexual department). Even more shocked to know that the song is extremely popular, and gets MAD radio airplay. SO, ya girl was shocked and on tha FLOOR to know that Plies... has now released a video. As if we need even MORE visual imaging for such a lewd and crud anthem. WHO are the ladies that woke up in the morning, looked at themselves in the mirror, and thought, "YES. I'm going to be in the "BECKY" video shoot today!!! SCORE!!"
This is yet another example as to why I feel some of these cornball rappers (yes, I said it. To continuously make anthems that promote trashy behavior and lack social responsibility to your target audience makes you CORN-Y.) have no place in hip-hop. They should be employed by hate groups in America as the music is only geared toward Urban radio to gain the buzz and promote the lewd behavior (which only catches on due to a deep history of lacking education and economic opportunities) and then cross-promoted to *pop* stations so the "buying" audience can help rappers purchase more gaudy jewelry and teeth they don't need and incorporate debt they rarely repay.... WHOA. I DIGRESS. ANOTHER BLOG TOPIC. Um, in short, the video makes me cringe. That's all.
**Small Doses**
-New reports (Thanks MediaFAKEOut) that much-hyped Khloe and Lamar nuptials may in fact be a cover for Kourtney (the lesser known-now preggers sister) and her Baby Daddy (too irrelevant to print). WOW. Guess we'll see on Sunday WHO is really tying the not, or will get the best camera shot.
-A Middle school in Austin, TX welcomes gay students- I found this article interesting as children are announcing their alternate lifestyle choices at an increasingly younger age and more and more of society is becoming supportive. (Taken from the NYTimes) Thoughts?
-The debate for taxing sugary drinks is growing louder- I'm not opposed as I feel Americans have the WORST eating habits and may need extra incentive to promote better habits. Those who are addicted to Mountain Dew however, want me to shutup. Thoughts??
Post a comment kids!! And I'm wishing to change the appearance of the site to make it more allllluring, so be on the lookout. (Smile) with that... I'm out for a bit. Have a great afternoon!!!!

This Season: Couch Time With Oprah Is GREAT AGAIN!!
-Today, Oprah is conducting an extremely in-depth interview of child star Mackensie Phillips. Phillips allegedly details child abuse and sexual exploits with several known Hollywood men. Phillips also will discuss her drug use, and arrests, the classic Hollywood rights-of-passage. Scandalous, but great television nonetheless! This is the Ol'Skool Oprah show I love...
LIL' WAYNE May Have Yet Another Baby Mama in 2009:
-Birth control anyone? Reports continue to surface about the latest baby-in-waiting. That's right, Lil' Wayne may have fathered another child with "Sarah", who is allegedly 7 months pregnant. Now, I can't imagine really sexxing "every girl in the world" but it would seem THIS is Wayne's philosophy...and without protection no less. Anyone interested in this story?
DWTS Sesaon 9 May Watch:
-So I tend to only watch one major star per season, this year the producers are introducing over 16 stars total!! Skipping the fluff~ R&B pop tart Mya (yea) is dancing as well as Macy Grey!!!! Last night's debut of the women's competition was himscarical to watch!!!! Mya scored highest of all the ladies (no shocker) but it was Macy's seemingly-high-while-waltz-ing performance that had me ROTFL!!!! The judges tried their hardest to compliment, but it was an overall train wreck. Macy had the lowest.score. of. the. night. DEF going to watch the eliminations tonight. Any "stars" you're particularly interested in watching?

-Disney is gearing promotions of the release of their FIRST, FULLY-ANIMATED, FULL-LENGTH Princess film starring a BLACK Princess!!!!!!!! The Princess and the Frog, will arrive in theaters on December 11. I am too excited, you would think I was 5 again!! Great thing I have the smartest niece on the planet, as she'll be my date for the premier this holiday season. I'm sure she'll want some paraphernalia too... so I must shop for items... you know...for my niece... (Don't judge me).
- I am not a Plies fan. Personally, he insights nausea as many of his lyrics are too sexually perverted for my taste. I think of him as a "rapist of the ear" as many of my fav. rappers tend to 'finesse the panties', or their female listeners; Plies screams, tears, and TAKES the cookie?! (SHUDDER). Maybe this is a sign-o-tha-times, but I was completely shocked and appalled the very first time I heard Plies' latest single, "Becky". In short, the song is an homage to the joy of receiving fellatio, otherwise dubbed as , "Becky" (as Caucasian women are stereotyped to be more skilled and willing in that sexual department). Even more shocked to know that the song is extremely popular, and gets MAD radio airplay. SO, ya girl was shocked and on tha FLOOR to know that Plies... has now released a video. As if we need even MORE visual imaging for such a lewd and crud anthem. WHO are the ladies that woke up in the morning, looked at themselves in the mirror, and thought, "YES. I'm going to be in the "BECKY" video shoot today!!! SCORE!!"
This is yet another example as to why I feel some of these cornball rappers (yes, I said it. To continuously make anthems that promote trashy behavior and lack social responsibility to your target audience makes you CORN-Y.) have no place in hip-hop. They should be employed by hate groups in America as the music is only geared toward Urban radio to gain the buzz and promote the lewd behavior (which only catches on due to a deep history of lacking education and economic opportunities) and then cross-promoted to *pop* stations so the "buying" audience can help rappers purchase more gaudy jewelry and teeth they don't need and incorporate debt they rarely repay.... WHOA. I DIGRESS. ANOTHER BLOG TOPIC. Um, in short, the video makes me cringe. That's all.
**Small Doses**
-New reports (Thanks MediaFAKEOut) that much-hyped Khloe and Lamar nuptials may in fact be a cover for Kourtney (the lesser known-now preggers sister) and her Baby Daddy (too irrelevant to print). WOW. Guess we'll see on Sunday WHO is really tying the not, or will get the best camera shot.
-A Middle school in Austin, TX welcomes gay students- I found this article interesting as children are announcing their alternate lifestyle choices at an increasingly younger age and more and more of society is becoming supportive. (Taken from the NYTimes) Thoughts?
-The debate for taxing sugary drinks is growing louder- I'm not opposed as I feel Americans have the WORST eating habits and may need extra incentive to promote better habits. Those who are addicted to Mountain Dew however, want me to shutup. Thoughts??
Post a comment kids!! And I'm wishing to change the appearance of the site to make it more allllluring, so be on the lookout. (Smile) with that... I'm out for a bit. Have a great afternoon!!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009
EMMY Fashion Top 5, Khloe gets a ring!?!?
Happy MONDAY Luvs!!!!!!!!!!! Well, it's very dreary, and rainy (still) in the A, but we've made it to Monday nonetheless! This has been an interesting week of personal stresses, but as one of my dearest friends told me, "But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead" Philippians Chapt. 13. AMEN to that! So, moving forward, I pledge to never weekday lapse and I have your daily dosage!!! LET'S GET IIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTT!!!!!!
-Did anyone catch the Prime Time Emmy Awards last night?? There were a few highlights,Niel Patrick Harris mainly. NONE of the nominated shows had a diverse cast... where has all the COLOR gone in television?? Sadness. So I was surely not watching for the award presentations... I DID catch the fashion highlights!!!!! My pics for the 5 best dressed ladies IN RANKING ORDER:
5. Kyra Sedgwick in L'Wren Scott- this choice was such a safe shocker! She looked incredible!
4. Drew Barrymore in Monique Lhuillier- Classic Drew. No surprises, yet appropriately chic.
3. Leighton Meester in Bottega Veneta- this dress SCREAMED couture and elegance. More points for the sick gold cuffs!!!! (Check the winter vamp lip-LUV IT)
2. Kate Walsh in J Mendel-the cut of the dress and fabric had her looking regal and otherworldly. AWESOME color!!!!!!!
1. January Jones in Versace- This modern choice looked GREAT, and shows off her slim shape. She slayed the red carpet. (Beyonce's somewhere pissed... lol)
Honorable Mentions:
Sandra Oh in Marchesa- looking like a chic lil' Emmy herself, Tina Fey in Gucci-the best I've seen her look EVER, Blake Lively in Versace-I enjoy her channeling Donatella circa 1980's w. a touch of skank, and Heidi Klum in Marchesa-her man & 8mo. baby bump were THE accessories of the night. SWOON.
Kim Kardashian-whoever she wore was NOT worth mentioning. The bling-y gold hoops, and tacky cut & color of the dress looked cheap, and desperate.
Mary Louise Parker-This was a steaming hotttt mess from the glitter ball stripper-shoes to the style and horrific bow?!?! She never gets it right...
Christina Applegate-WTH was she thinking in that horrid color, too much fabric and sheer paneling w. bedazzled embellishments?! ewwww.
What did you think?
RERUN: A Kardashian & An Athlete posing for the press
-Yes, it looks like another Kardashian publicity stunt... as the youngest Kardashian (WHY is she relevant again??) Has been plotting to wife a Laker. Khloe (the manliest-looking of the three)
is fanning rumors that she may be getting married this weekend to L.A. Laker star Lamar Odom. They've been dating a month. WOW. These ladies will do anything to stay in the news.
**Small Doses**
-Nas and Kelis have been spotted all over NY together... SO GLAD they're working it out... (Cheaper to keep her)
-NENE LEAKS was LIVE Sun afternoon hosting with Ryan Seacrest and Guilianna Ransic. WOOOW. And she never had to work as a journalist or tv personality to secure that role. I swear... that's the ticket...
-I'm encouraging EVERYONE to read "PUSH" by Sapphire, the novel that the feature film (winning RAVE reviews and creating a massive buzz) "Precious" is based on! The film stars Mariah Carey amongst others and is produced by the royal Oprah and Tyler Perry!!! My official selection for the month of September, so read and we shall discuss.
-Gossip Girl is ALL NEW tonight: sooo excited that Blair is headed to NYU!!
Well kids, I'm going to chillax in the midst of round 2 of the downpour. I also had WAY too much fun yesterday with a certain FAV Sun. brunch crew. Just know that bottomless mimosa's and Saki Bombs are NEVER a wise decision... on a Sunday. SMDH. Love you guys... Stay safe, dry, and blessed!!!!
-Did anyone catch the Prime Time Emmy Awards last night?? There were a few highlights,Niel Patrick Harris mainly. NONE of the nominated shows had a diverse cast... where has all the COLOR gone in television?? Sadness. So I was surely not watching for the award presentations... I DID catch the fashion highlights!!!!! My pics for the 5 best dressed ladies IN RANKING ORDER:
5. Kyra Sedgwick in L'Wren Scott- this choice was such a safe shocker! She looked incredible!
4. Drew Barrymore in Monique Lhuillier- Classic Drew. No surprises, yet appropriately chic.
3. Leighton Meester in Bottega Veneta- this dress SCREAMED couture and elegance. More points for the sick gold cuffs!!!! (Check the winter vamp lip-LUV IT)
2. Kate Walsh in J Mendel-the cut of the dress and fabric had her looking regal and otherworldly. AWESOME color!!!!!!!
1. January Jones in Versace- This modern choice looked GREAT, and shows off her slim shape. She slayed the red carpet. (Beyonce's somewhere pissed... lol)
Honorable Mentions:
Sandra Oh in Marchesa- looking like a chic lil' Emmy herself, Tina Fey in Gucci-the best I've seen her look EVER, Blake Lively in Versace-I enjoy her channeling Donatella circa 1980's w. a touch of skank, and Heidi Klum in Marchesa-her man & 8mo. baby bump were THE accessories of the night. SWOON.
Kim Kardashian-whoever she wore was NOT worth mentioning. The bling-y gold hoops, and tacky cut & color of the dress looked cheap, and desperate.
Mary Louise Parker-This was a steaming hotttt mess from the glitter ball stripper-shoes to the style and horrific bow?!?! She never gets it right...
Christina Applegate-WTH was she thinking in that horrid color, too much fabric and sheer paneling w. bedazzled embellishments?! ewwww.
What did you think?
RERUN: A Kardashian & An Athlete posing for the press
-Yes, it looks like another Kardashian publicity stunt... as the youngest Kardashian (WHY is she relevant again??) Has been plotting to wife a Laker. Khloe (the manliest-looking of the three)
is fanning rumors that she may be getting married this weekend to L.A. Laker star Lamar Odom. They've been dating a month. WOW. These ladies will do anything to stay in the news.
**Small Doses**
-Nas and Kelis have been spotted all over NY together... SO GLAD they're working it out... (Cheaper to keep her)
-NENE LEAKS was LIVE Sun afternoon hosting with Ryan Seacrest and Guilianna Ransic. WOOOW. And she never had to work as a journalist or tv personality to secure that role. I swear... that's the ticket...
-I'm encouraging EVERYONE to read "PUSH" by Sapphire, the novel that the feature film (winning RAVE reviews and creating a massive buzz) "Precious" is based on! The film stars Mariah Carey amongst others and is produced by the royal Oprah and Tyler Perry!!! My official selection for the month of September, so read and we shall discuss.
-Gossip Girl is ALL NEW tonight: sooo excited that Blair is headed to NYU!!
Well kids, I'm going to chillax in the midst of round 2 of the downpour. I also had WAY too much fun yesterday with a certain FAV Sun. brunch crew. Just know that bottomless mimosa's and Saki Bombs are NEVER a wise decision... on a Sunday. SMDH. Love you guys... Stay safe, dry, and blessed!!!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
RIP Swayze, Let Up On 'Ye, ROC loyalty and WHITNEY!!!!

RIP Patrick Swayze... (moment of silence/ lighters up)
- Actor Patrick Swayze, lost his public battle with pancreatic cancer at the age of 57. Patrick was most known for his iconic role as dance instructor Johnny Castle in 1987's Dirty Dancing. One of my favorite movie lines is, "NOBODY puts Baby in a corner!", Man I love that movie. Patrick Swayze also received several Golden Globe nominations for his work in the movies Ghost and To Wong Foo,Thank You Julie Newmar. His resume is impressive and Patrick solidified himself early on as an A-list actor that took great pride in his craft. Prayers go out to his family and friends during this trying time. Everyone should take more time to value and cherish their own lives, as tomorrow is never promised.
-So, not sure of how accurate this rumor is, but it's moving quicker than Lil' Mama!! Allegedly Jigga's BLOWN that Beyaki turned over the night to Taylor Swift, and viewed her act as disloyal against his "lil' bro"/ Roc family Kanye West. MTO report alleges that Jay left the show without Beyonce (surprise, they rarely leave and enter an entertainment event together), called his Princess RiRi and the two are photographed all over the net together. The story continues that Puppet Master Papa Knowles told Beyaki to relinquish her spotlight time (GREAT PR move), but Jigga and Kanye thought she should have remained loyal and stayed out of it. HMMM. I'm actually tempted to believe this one, for I was always a skeptic about their relationship... wondering if they're really "not speaking" though. I'll be following this rumor... your thoughts?
-Oprah's much anticipated season opener began yesterday with the airing of a 2-pt interview with THE VOICE herself, Whitney Houston (SCREAM of DELIGHT!!) This is the first major interview Whitney has given since her fateful train wreck of an interview with Diane Sawyer in 1998 ("Crack Is WACK"). Whitney looked flawless in an olive sheath dress, chic hairstyle and leopard pumps. In the first part of this (awesome) interview, Whitney spills to Oprah that her God-given light was dimmed during the better portions of her marriage to Bobby Brown. Whitney also discusses in detail instances of emotional, physical abuse, and (my fav. portion) her drug use. WHY did Whitney break down how she would roll her marijuana with cocaine, and stay high for days???!!!! Whitney tells Oprah, "Follow me now..." and gestures with her hands the rolling process. HA! It was sooo revealing and REAL. LOVED this interview, for it was like two sista girls having a heart-to heart after all these years. The second part of the interview airs today and will feature Whitney taking the stage to bring down the house. The VOICE is back!!!
Twitter Needs A Presidential Filter
-An unofficial remark made by President Obama was "Tweeted" on Twitter by reporter Terry Moran, when President Obama was overheard calling Kanye a "jackass". The President was off the record during down time of an interview, but Quickdraw Moran , immediately
"tweeted" and the press caught wind about a minute later. What do you feel about Twitter and the impact it can have on the culture do to real-time "updates" , leaving no time for fact-checking, accuracy, speaker's intent or circumstance?? I'm slowly growing weary of the bandwagon that is Twitter (though I've recently joined) for I feel Big Brother is always watching and it's giving us ALL a reason to be more nosey.
-On a similar note, sure Kanye was wrong, and everyone has their opinion, but I'm officially over bashing Kanye West in the public. I watched his brief interview on Jay Leno last night, and I for one was moved. Kanye appeared visibly saddened, embarrassed, and genuinely apologetic for the ripple of hurt he caused T.Swift (who now is looking like Snow White outta some Disney movie and Ye like the evil witch). Leno asked West "What would your mother say?" and West teared up (none fell, he manned up, but it was sooo sad). Kanye mentioned that he's a hurt individual that never had time to mourn, this was Ye's third apology and he expressed interest in apologizing to Taylor in person. This situation is now over to me. It was a VMA Moonman everyone. CALM the hellz down. Taylor's career clearly got another 5-year boost due to all this publicity and Kanye now recognizes he needs some help, and "time" (his words) to get his life together.
If anyone should be getting all of this attention/negative press based on their outburst, it should be Senator Joe Wilson (R-SC) Ooooh, I haven't forgotten the blatant disrespect he gave our President in front of millions. Where is his lynch mob in the media?!?! SMH. I swear. Americans and our hierarchy of importance... a shame. LOL.
**Small Doses**
-Lauren London claims that there are NO official pictures nor is that the "official" name of her son. The media was buggin' yesterday and rushing to get a story. HEARD! (L.London via Twitter) She said she'll distribute all that info in the next 2 wks, but until then everyone's healthy and she's blissfully happy! (At least till Nivea gives birth... LOL) jk
-Serena Williams was on Good Morning America issuing yet another apology for Saturday night outburst. (SURPRISE, SURPRISE)
- Nas and Kelis may be reconciling.... AIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I'm gone for a bit luvs, but I'll be back with another post very soon. Have a great day, love yourselves and each other!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
It's That Time Again: VMA's 2009 Wrap Up
Hey Kids!!!! Happy Monday again!! It's official: if you missed this year's VMA's, you missed the biggest spectacle of the summer/fall. Let's take it from the top... cause you KNOW it don't stop... the dramz that is... of the MTV VMA's. It's a looong wrap up!!! :)
-So, during the red carpet, there was an abundance of British hosts, apparently MTV/Viacom is no longer making secret that the U.K has ownership. The hosts and Sway (SMH) stumbled and shuffled around for an hour trying to keep a tab on the "stars" arrivals until the show started. The producers choose to focus on the various and ridiculous modes of transportation used, from Fire trucks to Double Decker Busses. Did anyone care?? ANYONE?! We were thisclose to bored to death. There was a small glimmer of hillarity when Shakira (hawt) was first on the red carpet rocking the Cavalli minidress w. over-the-knee boots... and 10 min. later Pink scuttles off her Fire Truck (SMH) to be interviewed... IN THE SAME DRESS!!!!!! I would've fired my stylist as SOON as that interview ended!!!! MTV added this new segment where they-get this- monitor "tweets" on "Twitter" GETTHEFUCCOUTTAHERE?!?! SERIOUSLY?! I mean SERIOUSLY. That annoying broad with her constant updates was one of the worst. segments. EVER. SOo unnecessary and note to MTV- LEAVE people on Twitter alone. No need to monitor ANYTHING. THAT's the point, Twitter monitors itself. AND the focus should have been on live performances and ARTISTS!?! Take a cue from BET... sheeeesh!!!!
-So the world waited on baited breath to see how MTV would pay tribute to the KING- MICHAEL JACKSON. It was almost worth it... almost. The show opened with her Majesty, MADONNA, single spotlight and mic as she spoke ever-so-eloquently about the KING and his legacy... it was excellent. Then, the tribute continued with a medley of Mike's most infamous videos, Thriller, BAD, and Smooth Criminal, done by his "THIS IS IT" Dancers. FLAWLESS. JUST FLAWLESS. UNtil... the ending smooth Criminal lean; one of the dancer's magnetic pull didn't work so he just bowed instead of the sick @$$, infamous lean. TRAGIC. Surely his career is ruined. The dancers made way for the otherworldly performance of Michael and Janet- performing SCREAM!!!!!!!!!! (A moment to SWOOON) Janet looked sooo gorgeous and professional when performing with her brother on a juxtaposed screen- although a tad rusty during the dance break (Don't ackt like y'all didn't see Queen Janet flub a bit). The set ended w. a bevy of top flight dancers, including Chris Judd, Laurie Ann (Boom Boom Kat) Wilson, and 2 of Janet's old choreographers (Famous faces from her tour). It brought tears to the eye, and Janet proved she still has what it takes to carry on Michale's legacy. GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!
This classic moment, however, was upstaged once Taylor Swift accepted the award for Best Female Video. Lil' 19-year old Taylor, in her over-sequined- goddess gown and stilettos, serenely takes the mike and begins to thank everyone for supporting lil' ol' she when.... VILLAIN OF THE NIGHT- KANYE says, "excuse me"- and Taylor passes him the mic. PAUSE. (For most know what happens next) WTF did Taylor give it to KANYE?!?! DURING HER MOMENT?!?! If I can rewind, Ye was photographed allllllll nite with a 5th of Hennesy (still in its original bottle, carried inside the show) and his too-hot-for-the-lens beard, Amber Rose. (Amber SLAYED em last night- only she could pull of a catsuit/80's theme that tight and confident). In Taylor's category for the win, she was up against Brittney Spears, Lady GAGA and Beyonce, respectively. Beyonce, who has awwwwwready won every award known to man and beast, and has the star power of a phoenix. Beyonce, who is SYNONYMOUS with MTV-hell music in general. So when Kanye debos the Mike, and screams, "BEYONCE HAD THE BEST VIDEO OF ALL TIME!!! I'M SAYIN!!!!" All. hell. broke. loose. Not only did this passionate man violate all personal space/ stage policies of the event, he completely ruined Taylor's moment with his inappropriate timing and rude remark. Everyone began to immediately boo, and lil Taylor stunned... exits stage left. Mouths were agape for at least 5 min.
In Ye's defense, he was passionate about the star power and justifiable truth that his friend had the better video of the year. No one should argue that truth. (Yea, I said it) Kanye spoke the truth-Taylor's aiiight and all, but she's an amateur compared to the iconic status of "Single Ladies" and the performer that is Beyonce. (I saw her professional performance of the nominated song afterward. Underwhelmed indeed). But, it's not what you say sometimes, it's WHERE, WHEN and HOW you say it. A lesson Kanye should have learned 3 outbursts ago?!?! WHERE is his medication Lawd?! Seriously. I think he's a touched genius that either was too medicated and then mixed w. that HennDawg (you know Pookie en 'nem + 5th of Hennesy= guaranteed Frankie and Neffie outburst) or at this point should seek medical attention for his disorder ASAP. No bullox.
The tone of the show was obviously negatively tainted after that, so you can imagine my astonishment when they brought Leighton Miester and some Adult Swim character out to pray to the devil. WTJOEJACKSONHELL?!?! If that sick foolish act wasn't enough, Lady Gaga performed. While she has the vocal skill like no other, her set was a bit tooo morbid and disturbing for my taste, especially on the eve of all that happened?! Gaga was stabbed, bled and then hoisted up like a dead caucus at the end of her performance. (Shudder). We all wanted to pray amidst these Pagen (devil) acts on MTV. GaGa ALSO made a point of changing costumes--a whopping 3 times during the show... she. looked. a. spectacle. Gotta respect anyone that thanks, "God, and the GAYS" though...
~The rest of the show was rather un-notable with the exception of the following:
*P!nk (yea) did an impressive rendition of "Sober" while swinging gracefully from a trapeeze.
*T.I. did win for best rap video, and Diddy did an excellent job on accepting on Tip's behalf (ATL STAND UP!!!!!!).
*Every time Kanye's name was mentioned, the audience booed (he was nominated several times)
*Serena Williams (ERR? Shouldn't she be somewhere in shame??) presented an award amongst boos and tried to "joke" about "Staying in the lines"- no sale.
*Beyonce did the ALL-TIME Mega-Mix of "Single Ladies" and reminded the WORLD why she will remain on top. The Queen. She shut it DOOOOOOWN. (One of the few reasons I continued to watch)
*Jay-Z arrived to close the show amidst an entourage of Maybachs, Escallades, and security. MTV cameras followed his caravan through the city, did the Dave Chapell-skit-following Jay into the arena/stage (Ya'll remember that skit!!!!) and then proceeded to ROCK THE MIKE w. A. KEYS performing "Empire State of Mind". MY new fav. Song. I have a GIRL crush on A. Keys, who STUNNED in the sequined legging, 6-inch stacked stiletto, and metal gray tunic. SHE looked flawwwwless and sang her @$$$$$$ off!!!! They arguably had one of the best performances of the night. Then, just when you thought it could get NO WORSE....
FRANKIE HOPS ON THE STAGE?!?!?! I'm Sorry. Lil' MAMA!!!!!!!!! (Swear though-ask GA ME, I screamed, "Is that FRANKIE" upon instant sighting) Lil' Mama looked as HOT @$$ mess, debo-ing the stage to dance around then do the fake-thug pose at the end of Jigga's SET?!?! WHERE the HELLS was MTV's SECURITY LAST NIGHT!!!! OMJeeeezy?! They let just ANYONE bum rush the daum stage?!?! Tragic. I think Lil' Mama and Kanye were sippin' on the same and both forgot prescription refills. Careers forever stained.
*Beyonce (who looked great in the red mini dress w. pockets) won for Best Video of the Year (The award she claims she really wanted) and used her speech to graciously allow Taylor her moment. It was sooo professional and warranted, I have a new respect for Beyonce (Yea, I said it). Taylor finally said her lil' thank-yous, but was I the only one displeased about her lack of public "thank you" to Queen B for sharing her moment??? Just sayin....
MTV did the most this year, and what should have been the ultimate tribute to MJ was almost out shined by the foolish antics throughout the show. Kanye did issue an apology via the web. Now, getting ready for BET hip-hop awards. ON TO THE NEXT ONE!!!!! LOL. Let me know what you thought of the show...
and stay reading for my fashion breakdown. You KNOW that's coming. Have a great one... and Lady GaGa is the new Marilyn Manson... seriously.
-So, during the red carpet, there was an abundance of British hosts, apparently MTV/Viacom is no longer making secret that the U.K has ownership. The hosts and Sway (SMH) stumbled and shuffled around for an hour trying to keep a tab on the "stars" arrivals until the show started. The producers choose to focus on the various and ridiculous modes of transportation used, from Fire trucks to Double Decker Busses. Did anyone care?? ANYONE?! We were thisclose to bored to death. There was a small glimmer of hillarity when Shakira (hawt) was first on the red carpet rocking the Cavalli minidress w. over-the-knee boots... and 10 min. later Pink scuttles off her Fire Truck (SMH) to be interviewed... IN THE SAME DRESS!!!!!! I would've fired my stylist as SOON as that interview ended!!!! MTV added this new segment where they-get this- monitor "tweets" on "Twitter" GETTHEFUCCOUTTAHERE?!?! SERIOUSLY?! I mean SERIOUSLY. That annoying broad with her constant updates was one of the worst. segments. EVER. SOo unnecessary and note to MTV- LEAVE people on Twitter alone. No need to monitor ANYTHING. THAT's the point, Twitter monitors itself. AND the focus should have been on live performances and ARTISTS!?! Take a cue from BET... sheeeesh!!!!
-So the world waited on baited breath to see how MTV would pay tribute to the KING- MICHAEL JACKSON. It was almost worth it... almost. The show opened with her Majesty, MADONNA, single spotlight and mic as she spoke ever-so-eloquently about the KING and his legacy... it was excellent. Then, the tribute continued with a medley of Mike's most infamous videos, Thriller, BAD, and Smooth Criminal, done by his "THIS IS IT" Dancers. FLAWLESS. JUST FLAWLESS. UNtil... the ending smooth Criminal lean; one of the dancer's magnetic pull didn't work so he just bowed instead of the sick @$$, infamous lean. TRAGIC. Surely his career is ruined. The dancers made way for the otherworldly performance of Michael and Janet- performing SCREAM!!!!!!!!!! (A moment to SWOOON) Janet looked sooo gorgeous and professional when performing with her brother on a juxtaposed screen- although a tad rusty during the dance break (Don't ackt like y'all didn't see Queen Janet flub a bit). The set ended w. a bevy of top flight dancers, including Chris Judd, Laurie Ann (Boom Boom Kat) Wilson, and 2 of Janet's old choreographers (Famous faces from her tour). It brought tears to the eye, and Janet proved she still has what it takes to carry on Michale's legacy. GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!
This classic moment, however, was upstaged once Taylor Swift accepted the award for Best Female Video. Lil' 19-year old Taylor, in her over-sequined- goddess gown and stilettos, serenely takes the mike and begins to thank everyone for supporting lil' ol' she when.... VILLAIN OF THE NIGHT- KANYE says, "excuse me"- and Taylor passes him the mic. PAUSE. (For most know what happens next) WTF did Taylor give it to KANYE?!?! DURING HER MOMENT?!?! If I can rewind, Ye was photographed allllllll nite with a 5th of Hennesy (still in its original bottle, carried inside the show) and his too-hot-for-the-lens beard, Amber Rose. (Amber SLAYED em last night- only she could pull of a catsuit/80's theme that tight and confident). In Taylor's category for the win, she was up against Brittney Spears, Lady GAGA and Beyonce, respectively. Beyonce, who has awwwwwready won every award known to man and beast, and has the star power of a phoenix. Beyonce, who is SYNONYMOUS with MTV-hell music in general. So when Kanye debos the Mike, and screams, "BEYONCE HAD THE BEST VIDEO OF ALL TIME!!! I'M SAYIN!!!!" All. hell. broke. loose. Not only did this passionate man violate all personal space/ stage policies of the event, he completely ruined Taylor's moment with his inappropriate timing and rude remark. Everyone began to immediately boo, and lil Taylor stunned... exits stage left. Mouths were agape for at least 5 min.
In Ye's defense, he was passionate about the star power and justifiable truth that his friend had the better video of the year. No one should argue that truth. (Yea, I said it) Kanye spoke the truth-Taylor's aiiight and all, but she's an amateur compared to the iconic status of "Single Ladies" and the performer that is Beyonce. (I saw her professional performance of the nominated song afterward. Underwhelmed indeed). But, it's not what you say sometimes, it's WHERE, WHEN and HOW you say it. A lesson Kanye should have learned 3 outbursts ago?!?! WHERE is his medication Lawd?! Seriously. I think he's a touched genius that either was too medicated and then mixed w. that HennDawg (you know Pookie en 'nem + 5th of Hennesy= guaranteed Frankie and Neffie outburst) or at this point should seek medical attention for his disorder ASAP. No bullox.
The tone of the show was obviously negatively tainted after that, so you can imagine my astonishment when they brought Leighton Miester and some Adult Swim character out to pray to the devil. WTJOEJACKSONHELL?!?! If that sick foolish act wasn't enough, Lady Gaga performed. While she has the vocal skill like no other, her set was a bit tooo morbid and disturbing for my taste, especially on the eve of all that happened?! Gaga was stabbed, bled and then hoisted up like a dead caucus at the end of her performance. (Shudder). We all wanted to pray amidst these Pagen (devil) acts on MTV. GaGa ALSO made a point of changing costumes--a whopping 3 times during the show... she. looked. a. spectacle. Gotta respect anyone that thanks, "God, and the GAYS" though...
~The rest of the show was rather un-notable with the exception of the following:
*P!nk (yea) did an impressive rendition of "Sober" while swinging gracefully from a trapeeze.
*T.I. did win for best rap video, and Diddy did an excellent job on accepting on Tip's behalf (ATL STAND UP!!!!!!).
*Every time Kanye's name was mentioned, the audience booed (he was nominated several times)
*Serena Williams (ERR? Shouldn't she be somewhere in shame??) presented an award amongst boos and tried to "joke" about "Staying in the lines"- no sale.
*Beyonce did the ALL-TIME Mega-Mix of "Single Ladies" and reminded the WORLD why she will remain on top. The Queen. She shut it DOOOOOOWN. (One of the few reasons I continued to watch)
*Jay-Z arrived to close the show amidst an entourage of Maybachs, Escallades, and security. MTV cameras followed his caravan through the city, did the Dave Chapell-skit-following Jay into the arena/stage (Ya'll remember that skit!!!!) and then proceeded to ROCK THE MIKE w. A. KEYS performing "Empire State of Mind". MY new fav. Song. I have a GIRL crush on A. Keys, who STUNNED in the sequined legging, 6-inch stacked stiletto, and metal gray tunic. SHE looked flawwwwless and sang her @$$$$$$ off!!!! They arguably had one of the best performances of the night. Then, just when you thought it could get NO WORSE....
FRANKIE HOPS ON THE STAGE?!?!?! I'm Sorry. Lil' MAMA!!!!!!!!! (Swear though-ask GA ME, I screamed, "Is that FRANKIE" upon instant sighting) Lil' Mama looked as HOT @$$ mess, debo-ing the stage to dance around then do the fake-thug pose at the end of Jigga's SET?!?! WHERE the HELLS was MTV's SECURITY LAST NIGHT!!!! OMJeeeezy?! They let just ANYONE bum rush the daum stage?!?! Tragic. I think Lil' Mama and Kanye were sippin' on the same and both forgot prescription refills. Careers forever stained.
*Beyonce (who looked great in the red mini dress w. pockets) won for Best Video of the Year (The award she claims she really wanted) and used her speech to graciously allow Taylor her moment. It was sooo professional and warranted, I have a new respect for Beyonce (Yea, I said it). Taylor finally said her lil' thank-yous, but was I the only one displeased about her lack of public "thank you" to Queen B for sharing her moment??? Just sayin....
MTV did the most this year, and what should have been the ultimate tribute to MJ was almost out shined by the foolish antics throughout the show. Kanye did issue an apology via the web. Now, getting ready for BET hip-hop awards. ON TO THE NEXT ONE!!!!! LOL. Let me know what you thought of the show...
and stay reading for my fashion breakdown. You KNOW that's coming. Have a great one... and Lady GaGa is the new Marilyn Manson... seriously.
JAY Shuts Down MSG, Serena WILL Shove It Down Your THROAT!!
Happy Monday!!!!!! And what a joyous one it is!! I hope your week is beginning on a positive note, as mine is. This post should have been up yesterday, but I was derailed once the VMA's began. I have a few tidbits for your Monday healthy proceedings. SO, LET'S GET IIIIIIITTTTT!!!!!!

-So if you haven't heard or seen, Serena Williams, yes THAT Serena- the award piling, tennis genius Serena, was booted out of the US Open Saturday night during her match-up with Kim Clijsters. Serena was passionately playing against Clijsters, and was given a code violation for breaking her tennis racket after she lost the first set (ERR??!?!). Then all hell breaks loose, or she completely lost her cool. Serena was given a penalty match-point when a line judged deemed she stepped over the line, wildly gestures with her racket and screams, "I will shove this F@#&ing ball down your F@#$ing throat" to the line judge. WTSAMGOODY?!?! Serena, SMH. The line judge (who was obligated) immediately snitched, and Serena was immediately ejected from the US Open, fined $10,000.00 (the maximum amount), and now the fate of her remaining on the US Open tour (even playing in the doubles matches with her sister) are in jeopardy. Even if Serena was justified in her anger against the call, she in NO way was justified in threatening and kirking out to a judge?! You're from Compton, by way of a professional tennis career, not gang violence. GET. IT. TOGETHER. That wasn't even cute, and although I feel bad for her... I kinda don't. She should have used better self-control so that the win and her continued dominance of the tennis circuit would be the ultimate revenge. Now, she's and her antics are headlines for all the wrong reasons. She did have a rather tensely filled press conference, and managed a cameo at last night's VMA's (amongst boos) so I'm curious to see how she handles this scrutiny. She def. won't be playing tonight... stinks a fatty. She would've slayed.
-So I stayed in (At GA ME's) on Friday night and watched Jay-Z's benefit concert, "BP3 Live from Madison Square Garden" on Sept. 11. All the proceeds went to the Police and Fireman's family fund to support the families that lost members during the Sept. 11 attacks. I normally criticize Jigga for lack of consciousness/ philanthropic efforts, but he has made me sing another tune. I was beyond surprised and pleased at the treat FUSE gave everyone!!! Front row seats to one of Jay's best concerts. EVER!!!!! The set was AMAZING. The Band-FLAWLESS. And Jigga... this man has soooo many hits in his catalog, I almost forgot why many call him the best?!?! He ran through the majority of all his majors, and peppered in the future hits off BP3. He had a bevy of friends come out on stage and make cameos, an out-standing show, for EVERYONE did a great job:
Santigold- although she looked a bit lost (high maybe??) she did an aiiight job on "Brooklyn, We Go HARD"
John Mayer-performed a stirring guitar tribute/medley to Jigga's hits and 2 full-length songs w. Jay. GREAT.
Rihanna-appeared looking ever the fierce lil' tart she is (HAWT) in an all-black leotard-glove-over-the-knee-boot-and gloved ensemble. She did a perfect nazaly live rendition of the "Run This Town" hook. Get it Princess RiRi!!! (Jigga tried HARD not to stare at her booty fat that dangled out from the leotard... say he DIDn't!!)
Kanye West-Ever fresh and hyped, he performed several songs including "Good Life" where Jay sang T-Pain's part. HIMSCARICAL.
Beyonce- who shut.it. DOWN. ALL HAIL and recognize the true Queen of entertainment. Fa Cereal. I swear she was singing "DIVA" to RiRi- a death warning if you will that NO one will come for her crown. Or man...HEARD.
Kid Cudi-and his tooo tight pants, (Cudi's balls were crying out in distress), made a nice rookie showing.
Pharell-DAUM he still looks beyond sexy and did a great job. Did anyone else notice his tatoo removal??
Swizz Beatz-Hype man extraordinaire (On To The Next One)
Diddy-oops. Stand Corrected. He showed Swizz how to do it. "Take That, Take That" all over the stage during "Encore" he's SOO official.
Mary J. Blidge- shut it down w. her nostalgic, gritty and soulful rendition of Can't Knock the Hustle. AND she SLAAAAYED them w. her boots: SIIIIIICK. (I must cop a similar pair STAT!!)
-Again, on a scale of 1-10 a solid 9 (they should've had A.Keys singing her own hook on "Empire State of Mind" instead of that wackness that was his background vocalist). Thanks again FUSE and Jay-Z for a great free show!!!!
**Small Doses**
-Lil Wayne and Lauren London (Babymama #3) gave birth to their new son on Sept. 9th- named him Lennox Samuel Ari Carter. Awwww Congrats!... (side eye) no comment as there is now new life that should be celebrated. I'll wait till Nivea's child is born to let loose.
-Gossip Girl (one of my FAVS!!!) debuts season 3 tonight at 9 on the CW
-BET and CBS reached a milestone in negotiations for legal licensing (ownership) of the GAME; PRAYING the fans get our season 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I. LOVE. THE. GAME!!!!
-Wells Fargo is accused of racist practices, in particular with mortgage loans. Call Blacks, "mud people". WTHELLZ!!!??!!! I KNEW Wachovia didn't respect my dollar, and now there's proof. I encourage ALL to boycott. SERIOUSLY. http://www.pww.org/article/articleview/15912/
**DEF. check out the next post: my annual VMA's 2009 wrap-up. You know... some foolywang to REPORT!!!!! Take care luvs, and have a great Monday!!!!! Smooooches!

-So if you haven't heard or seen, Serena Williams, yes THAT Serena- the award piling, tennis genius Serena, was booted out of the US Open Saturday night during her match-up with Kim Clijsters. Serena was passionately playing against Clijsters, and was given a code violation for breaking her tennis racket after she lost the first set (ERR??!?!). Then all hell breaks loose, or she completely lost her cool. Serena was given a penalty match-point when a line judged deemed she stepped over the line, wildly gestures with her racket and screams, "I will shove this F@#&ing ball down your F@#$ing throat" to the line judge. WTSAMGOODY?!?! Serena, SMH. The line judge (who was obligated) immediately snitched, and Serena was immediately ejected from the US Open, fined $10,000.00 (the maximum amount), and now the fate of her remaining on the US Open tour (even playing in the doubles matches with her sister) are in jeopardy. Even if Serena was justified in her anger against the call, she in NO way was justified in threatening and kirking out to a judge?! You're from Compton, by way of a professional tennis career, not gang violence. GET. IT. TOGETHER. That wasn't even cute, and although I feel bad for her... I kinda don't. She should have used better self-control so that the win and her continued dominance of the tennis circuit would be the ultimate revenge. Now, she's and her antics are headlines for all the wrong reasons. She did have a rather tensely filled press conference, and managed a cameo at last night's VMA's (amongst boos) so I'm curious to see how she handles this scrutiny. She def. won't be playing tonight... stinks a fatty. She would've slayed.
-So I stayed in (At GA ME's) on Friday night and watched Jay-Z's benefit concert, "BP3 Live from Madison Square Garden" on Sept. 11. All the proceeds went to the Police and Fireman's family fund to support the families that lost members during the Sept. 11 attacks. I normally criticize Jigga for lack of consciousness/ philanthropic efforts, but he has made me sing another tune. I was beyond surprised and pleased at the treat FUSE gave everyone!!! Front row seats to one of Jay's best concerts. EVER!!!!! The set was AMAZING. The Band-FLAWLESS. And Jigga... this man has soooo many hits in his catalog, I almost forgot why many call him the best?!?! He ran through the majority of all his majors, and peppered in the future hits off BP3. He had a bevy of friends come out on stage and make cameos, an out-standing show, for EVERYONE did a great job:
Santigold- although she looked a bit lost (high maybe??) she did an aiiight job on "Brooklyn, We Go HARD"
John Mayer-performed a stirring guitar tribute/medley to Jigga's hits and 2 full-length songs w. Jay. GREAT.
Rihanna-appeared looking ever the fierce lil' tart she is (HAWT) in an all-black leotard-glove-over-the-knee-boot-and gloved ensemble. She did a perfect nazaly live rendition of the "Run This Town" hook. Get it Princess RiRi!!! (Jigga tried HARD not to stare at her booty fat that dangled out from the leotard... say he DIDn't!!)
Kanye West-Ever fresh and hyped, he performed several songs including "Good Life" where Jay sang T-Pain's part. HIMSCARICAL.
Beyonce- who shut.it. DOWN. ALL HAIL and recognize the true Queen of entertainment. Fa Cereal. I swear she was singing "DIVA" to RiRi- a death warning if you will that NO one will come for her crown. Or man...HEARD.
Kid Cudi-and his tooo tight pants, (Cudi's balls were crying out in distress), made a nice rookie showing.
Pharell-DAUM he still looks beyond sexy and did a great job. Did anyone else notice his tatoo removal??
Swizz Beatz-Hype man extraordinaire (On To The Next One)
Diddy-oops. Stand Corrected. He showed Swizz how to do it. "Take That, Take That" all over the stage during "Encore" he's SOO official.
Mary J. Blidge- shut it down w. her nostalgic, gritty and soulful rendition of Can't Knock the Hustle. AND she SLAAAAYED them w. her boots: SIIIIIICK. (I must cop a similar pair STAT!!)
-Again, on a scale of 1-10 a solid 9 (they should've had A.Keys singing her own hook on "Empire State of Mind" instead of that wackness that was his background vocalist). Thanks again FUSE and Jay-Z for a great free show!!!!
**Small Doses**
-Lil Wayne and Lauren London (Babymama #3) gave birth to their new son on Sept. 9th- named him Lennox Samuel Ari Carter. Awwww Congrats!... (side eye) no comment as there is now new life that should be celebrated. I'll wait till Nivea's child is born to let loose.
-Gossip Girl (one of my FAVS!!!) debuts season 3 tonight at 9 on the CW
-BET and CBS reached a milestone in negotiations for legal licensing (ownership) of the GAME; PRAYING the fans get our season 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I. LOVE. THE. GAME!!!!
-Wells Fargo is accused of racist practices, in particular with mortgage loans. Call Blacks, "mud people". WTHELLZ!!!??!!! I KNEW Wachovia didn't respect my dollar, and now there's proof. I encourage ALL to boycott. SERIOUSLY. http://www.pww.org/article/articleview/15912/
**DEF. check out the next post: my annual VMA's 2009 wrap-up. You know... some foolywang to REPORT!!!!! Take care luvs, and have a great Monday!!!!! Smooooches!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Behind the Music
TGIF KIDS!!!!!!!!!! I am ready to break out of the office today, and am scheduled to get a flyy new haircut. I'll keep you posted on the result of this transformation. Taking a moment, I would like to reflect on the many lives lost on September 11, 2001, as that day and lives lost will never be forgotten. As a sophmore in college at Howard University, the memories are very vivid and fresh from that fateful morning. Where were you?? Thank GOD I'm able to write to you loves today. Okay. Tears wiped clean. I would not dare leave you without today's dosage. LET'S GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Baby Makes Three!!!
-Surprise, Surprise... Christinia Milian is confirmed preggers!!!!! Of course the publicist released that she and Dream are excited to begin their family... the usual happy whomp that accompanies baby announcements. Guess we know what the quickie Vegas wedding was all about last wk...Congrats!
American Idol Keeps Getting Funnier...
-Ellen DeGenerous will be the new host on American Idol. SaywhatsayWORD???!!!! Yup, it is officially confirmed that Ellen will be filling in the fourth judge's seat during the new season of Idol. Although she's hillarious and dance a bit... what are her musical talent judging abilities or credentials?? I don't think I want Ellen critiquing my voice... thoughts?? Sidenote: WHAT a slap in the face to poor PAULA?!?! Getting replaced by the Lesbian Talk Queen/ Commediane. I'd fire my agent, stat!!
**Small Doses**
-Lil' Wayne's VH1 Behind The Music debuted last night on VH1. It's actually very decent, catch the reruns.
-New York is buzzing this weekend: Fashion Week continues (swoooon), and the BMI (recording industry) Awards and Afterparties are taking place. Stats of the winners and fashion hits soon to come.
Neffe had her (5th) baby!!! This info is curtesy of MTO, always first with these breaking stories. Is my sarcastic joy seeping through the exclamation marks?? Hope the family is healthy.
-Don't forget to watch the MTV VMA's this Sunday night at 9!!!! Sure to be a can't miss!!!! My anual commentary will be posted and I'll be Twittering throughout the show. Hope u choose to follow!
With that luvs, I'm off to tha salon!!! Enjoy your Friday, post some comments, and I'll write to you soon! Love each other and stay blessed!
And Baby Makes Three!!!
-Surprise, Surprise... Christinia Milian is confirmed preggers!!!!! Of course the publicist released that she and Dream are excited to begin their family... the usual happy whomp that accompanies baby announcements. Guess we know what the quickie Vegas wedding was all about last wk...Congrats!
American Idol Keeps Getting Funnier...
-Ellen DeGenerous will be the new host on American Idol. SaywhatsayWORD???!!!! Yup, it is officially confirmed that Ellen will be filling in the fourth judge's seat during the new season of Idol. Although she's hillarious and dance a bit... what are her musical talent judging abilities or credentials?? I don't think I want Ellen critiquing my voice... thoughts?? Sidenote: WHAT a slap in the face to poor PAULA?!?! Getting replaced by the Lesbian Talk Queen/ Commediane. I'd fire my agent, stat!!
**Small Doses**
-Lil' Wayne's VH1 Behind The Music debuted last night on VH1. It's actually very decent, catch the reruns.
-New York is buzzing this weekend: Fashion Week continues (swoooon), and the BMI (recording industry) Awards and Afterparties are taking place. Stats of the winners and fashion hits soon to come.
Neffe had her (5th) baby!!! This info is curtesy of MTO, always first with these breaking stories. Is my sarcastic joy seeping through the exclamation marks?? Hope the family is healthy.
-Don't forget to watch the MTV VMA's this Sunday night at 9!!!! Sure to be a can't miss!!!! My anual commentary will be posted and I'll be Twittering throughout the show. Hope u choose to follow!
With that luvs, I'm off to tha salon!!! Enjoy your Friday, post some comments, and I'll write to you soon! Love each other and stay blessed!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
"I WILL call you OUT" Just like President Obama!!
Hey Kids!!! Happy Friday!! If there was any doubt, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my President!!!!!! As of late there has been mounting controversy and opposition for his proposal on solving the Health Care crisis and particularly his address to students of America on Tuesday. President Obama and his Administration announced weeks ago their plan to address the youth, an intimate speech intended to promote personal responsibility and advocate education in spite of obstacles. What followed after the announcement of said speech is what I would call an embarrassing moment in American history, as thousands of school districts and "concerned parents/ citizens" expressed public opposition to having the speech played during school hours. ERRR?!?! What further evidence is required to prove that Americans still have racial issues as large as they ever were, when a citizen won't allow their child to hear the President of the United States?
But wait... there's more. On Wednesday, the President gave his widely anticipated Health Care address to the nation and delivered one of the best televised speeches of any U.S. President so far. President Obama was eloquent, captivating, and diplomatic, in spite of the tense audience (joint house representatives, clearly opposed to Obama's plan). The shocker of the nigh
t came when Senator Joe Wilson (R-SC) Screamed out "YOU LIE" in the MIDST of the President's outline. (See pic of team Obama thisclose to breakin' out and slappin' that @$... LOVE Nancy's expression) Obama kept his cool (AS USUAL) called him out and continued to prove the very reasons that his administration's plan is near fail-proof. Joe Wilson embarrassed the state of South Carolina and further proved that Obama deals with disrespect on an entirely different level-- every day.
*Joe Wilson- (843) 521-2530; Twitter- CongJoeWilson. PLEASE feel free to exercise free speech and express dissatisfaction with Wednesday's behavior. His website and Facebook pages have since been taken down due to excessive traffic. :) *
During the Nation's suffrage through the previous Bush administration, we were forced to listen to lies, lies, and more lies, which led to the Pandora's box of issues our current President is working tirelessly to close. The facts that President Obama's words are monitored so closely, and the School speech, which was powerful enough to inspire even the oldest citizen to aim higher in achieving personal growth and development, was deemed "too political" and having "an alternate agenda" are ludicrous. Absolutely ludicrous. Fear grips the ignorant and causes deplorable actions, an emotional reaction becoming synonymous with many Republicans.
I'm growing disgusted with the blatant disrespect given towards our Leader of the Free World. In the previous administration, such actions would never be tolerated!!! Some of our
citizens I'm referencing, the majority are affiliated with the Republican party, dislike the President, and that he happens to be a man of mixed races, b.k.a. a BLACK man.
It frustrates me to no end to know that people are willing to utilize powerful media outlets to spew lies, hatred, propaganda, and curtail progress; do any and everything other than repeat the truth and aim to work together to solve the issues?!!
So, to all the haters, supporters, under and over-informed, I chose to post in it's entirety, the "Back to School Address" given by our President Barack Obama on Tuesday afternoon.
I also chose to post the President's address to the Nation on his health care proposal as well.
Both speeches were beyond eloquent, intelligent, insightful, filled with progressive thoughts, motivating, inspiring, and aimed to unify our Nation. I pray you take something from the re-reading of the great speeches given by Barack Obama, President of the United States.
*School Message*
*Health Care Message*
~ On an altogether FIERCE note: Michelle Obmama, we the people are NOT worthy of your fabulousness. Check how she rocked the pleated suit, and sat ever supportive of her man during his Wednesday address. LOVE HER. ~

But wait... there's more. On Wednesday, the President gave his widely anticipated Health Care address to the nation and delivered one of the best televised speeches of any U.S. President so far. President Obama was eloquent, captivating, and diplomatic, in spite of the tense audience (joint house representatives, clearly opposed to Obama's plan). The shocker of the nigh

*Joe Wilson- (843) 521-2530; Twitter- CongJoeWilson. PLEASE feel free to exercise free speech and express dissatisfaction with Wednesday's behavior. His website and Facebook pages have since been taken down due to excessive traffic. :) *
During the Nation's suffrage through the previous Bush administration, we were forced to listen to lies, lies, and more lies, which led to the Pandora's box of issues our current President is working tirelessly to close. The facts that President Obama's words are monitored so closely, and the School speech, which was powerful enough to inspire even the oldest citizen to aim higher in achieving personal growth and development, was deemed "too political" and having "an alternate agenda" are ludicrous. Absolutely ludicrous. Fear grips the ignorant and causes deplorable actions, an emotional reaction becoming synonymous with many Republicans.
I'm growing disgusted with the blatant disrespect given towards our Leader of the Free World. In the previous administration, such actions would never be tolerated!!! Some of our
citizens I'm referencing, the majority are affiliated with the Republican party, dislike the President, and that he happens to be a man of mixed races, b.k.a. a BLACK man.
It frustrates me to no end to know that people are willing to utilize powerful media outlets to spew lies, hatred, propaganda, and curtail progress; do any and everything other than repeat the truth and aim to work together to solve the issues?!!
So, to all the haters, supporters, under and over-informed, I chose to post in it's entirety, the "Back to School Address" given by our President Barack Obama on Tuesday afternoon.
I also chose to post the President's address to the Nation on his health care proposal as well.
Both speeches were beyond eloquent, intelligent, insightful, filled with progressive thoughts, motivating, inspiring, and aimed to unify our Nation. I pray you take something from the re-reading of the great speeches given by Barack Obama, President of the United States.
*School Message*
*Health Care Message*
~ On an altogether FIERCE note: Michelle Obmama, we the people are NOT worthy of your fabulousness. Check how she rocked the pleated suit, and sat ever supportive of her man during his Wednesday address. LOVE HER. ~

Humpday Hillariousness, Back from VACAY!!!!!
Happy Wednesday Kids!!! I have been MIA (that's missing in action, not the artist) for several days, and though I fell off for a min. I'm baaaaaack!! I hope everyone's long wknd was as great as mine, and looky-now, we're already in the middle of the wk!! Sooo much foolishness, and here's ya dosage!!! LET'S GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
When In Love... ALWAYS get that PRENUP?!?!
- The American Dream (bka-DREAM) and Christina Milian are now married, and MTO is reporting did not sign a prenup. Rewind: Christina Milian- who had an F-list singing career in the early millennium, acted in several Disney movies, also dated (for 2 years) and starred in a film with Nick Cannon (yes.), has married Dream- R&B Sensation that has produced hits for errybody in the last 5 years as well as established a formidable solo career, have married on last Friday in Vegas. Dream is worth an alleged "tens of millions", and Milian is worth... well, you know how these stories go. If one needs a reference, simply BING Sir Paul McCartney... Best of luck with this headache Dream. One can only hope you two will forever remain in marital bliss, but considering the reality of both track records, and waning popularity of Auto-Tune (thanks Jigga) doubtful they'll make it to their Golden Anniversary.
Dude Looks Like a Lady? WORD?!
-The South African global track star once accused of being a man, Caster Semenya, was given a makeover for the cover of YOU magazine. A friend sent this article cover, and I must say she does look a bit more feminine... hell. Did the global public really need all that? She can look as masculine as she'd like, especially in 2009, and so long as she has lady parts, she's a female. WHY are they trying to make her a beauty queen to prove she's a woman? It seems ridiculously archaic that she must pose as a glamazon, and not with her medals, in order to be the face of the female track athlete.

Another Glammed Tyler Perry Movie Premiere...No, Not Madea... I Don't Think....
-Tyler Perry is gearing up for his latest movie release: I Can Do Bad All By Myself starring (Howard Graduate) Taraji P. Henson, Gladys Knight, and of course the cross-dressing powerhouse, Tyler Perry. At the movie's premiere last night, everyone looked lovely! There have been many promotions for the flick on your favorite television station, but can anyone tell me an ounce about the plot line? Anyone?? ANYONE? SERIOUSLY?! I swear I've only seen clips of the stars singing, Madea giving a catch phrase, and the movie's release date. WHAT is the plot?? WTH is the story line?? Not sure I'll be first in line at this one kids... we're in a ression. I need to KNOW what is going on b4 I drop $20. Just sayin...
**Quick Hits**:
-Janet Jackson is confirmed to perform this Sunday night at the live taping of the Video Music Awards (VMAs) on MTV!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!! SWOOOON!!! MISS JANET!!!! She's set to open the show, and is also giving an intensely personal interview in Harper's BAzAAR this month. Check the queen, and bow down. :)
-R Kelly and Trey Songz are having a difficuly playing nice... according to the "immature" media (Thanks for re-naming Chris Brown). Trey, who should be happy debuting at Number 5 on the charts this wk is taking shots at R. Kelly. WTH. I'm already getting bored-- can't we focus on the MUSIC?? Sowwy Trey fanz, I'll need more than "LOL SMiley FACE" to designate him the "New" prince of R&B (Raheem DeVaughn, or Dream much?? Don't get distracted cause a man takes his shirt off... lol), and he'll NEVER top Kells. RT that fact!!! LOL
-Whitney Houston's new album, I Look To You, debuted at Number One! WOW??! Take that Miley Cyrus!!!
-I haven't been able to stop listening to BP3 all day today. I know I'm not his biggest fan, but the old man did a decent job this album... enough to keep my attention throughout an entire album. That's daum near impossible from most artists lately. Also, go cop the latest from Raeqwon: he's beating Jigga for the #1 selling spot!!! Charts don't lie...
-CONGRATS to the newest lil' RICHIE: Sparrow James Midnight Madden!! Nicole Richie and boifriend Joel Madden had their second child and everyone (including proud grandpa Lionel) is doing fine.
With that luvs, I hope everyone has a great middle of week, and keep checking back for more posts. I'm overdue, so I may double up!!! LOL. Stay blessed...
When In Love... ALWAYS get that PRENUP?!?!
- The American Dream (bka-DREAM) and Christina Milian are now married, and MTO is reporting did not sign a prenup. Rewind: Christina Milian- who had an F-list singing career in the early millennium, acted in several Disney movies, also dated (for 2 years) and starred in a film with Nick Cannon (yes.), has married Dream- R&B Sensation that has produced hits for errybody in the last 5 years as well as established a formidable solo career, have married on last Friday in Vegas. Dream is worth an alleged "tens of millions", and Milian is worth... well, you know how these stories go. If one needs a reference, simply BING Sir Paul McCartney... Best of luck with this headache Dream. One can only hope you two will forever remain in marital bliss, but considering the reality of both track records, and waning popularity of Auto-Tune (thanks Jigga) doubtful they'll make it to their Golden Anniversary.
Dude Looks Like a Lady? WORD?!
-The South African global track star once accused of being a man, Caster Semenya, was given a makeover for the cover of YOU magazine. A friend sent this article cover, and I must say she does look a bit more feminine... hell. Did the global public really need all that? She can look as masculine as she'd like, especially in 2009, and so long as she has lady parts, she's a female. WHY are they trying to make her a beauty queen to prove she's a woman? It seems ridiculously archaic that she must pose as a glamazon, and not with her medals, in order to be the face of the female track athlete.

Another Glammed Tyler Perry Movie Premiere...No, Not Madea... I Don't Think....
-Tyler Perry is gearing up for his latest movie release: I Can Do Bad All By Myself starring (Howard Graduate) Taraji P. Henson, Gladys Knight, and of course the cross-dressing powerhouse, Tyler Perry. At the movie's premiere last night, everyone looked lovely! There have been many promotions for the flick on your favorite television station, but can anyone tell me an ounce about the plot line? Anyone?? ANYONE? SERIOUSLY?! I swear I've only seen clips of the stars singing, Madea giving a catch phrase, and the movie's release date. WHAT is the plot?? WTH is the story line?? Not sure I'll be first in line at this one kids... we're in a ression. I need to KNOW what is going on b4 I drop $20. Just sayin...
**Quick Hits**:

-Janet Jackson is confirmed to perform this Sunday night at the live taping of the Video Music Awards (VMAs) on MTV!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!! SWOOOON!!! MISS JANET!!!! She's set to open the show, and is also giving an intensely personal interview in Harper's BAzAAR this month. Check the queen, and bow down. :)
-R Kelly and Trey Songz are having a difficuly playing nice... according to the "immature" media (Thanks for re-naming Chris Brown). Trey, who should be happy debuting at Number 5 on the charts this wk is taking shots at R. Kelly. WTH. I'm already getting bored-- can't we focus on the MUSIC?? Sowwy Trey fanz, I'll need more than "LOL SMiley FACE" to designate him the "New" prince of R&B (Raheem DeVaughn, or Dream much?? Don't get distracted cause a man takes his shirt off... lol), and he'll NEVER top Kells. RT that fact!!! LOL
-Whitney Houston's new album, I Look To You, debuted at Number One! WOW??! Take that Miley Cyrus!!!
-I haven't been able to stop listening to BP3 all day today. I know I'm not his biggest fan, but the old man did a decent job this album... enough to keep my attention throughout an entire album. That's daum near impossible from most artists lately. Also, go cop the latest from Raeqwon: he's beating Jigga for the #1 selling spot!!! Charts don't lie...
-CONGRATS to the newest lil' RICHIE: Sparrow James Midnight Madden!! Nicole Richie and boifriend Joel Madden had their second child and everyone (including proud grandpa Lionel) is doing fine.
With that luvs, I hope everyone has a great middle of week, and keep checking back for more posts. I'm overdue, so I may double up!!! LOL. Stay blessed...
Friday, September 4, 2009

Back with another dose, a FRIDAY UPDATE:
Power in the Protest
-Follow along w. my fellow BISON as they peacefully protest for workers rights on campus at Howard University!!! Hundreds of students are gathered (at this moment) in front of the Administration Building, inclusive of faculty in an effort to bring attention to the lack of Union worker support, the abundance of students accepted this school year without adequate accommodations, and an overall frustration with the HU Frustration. (Bison Alum, don't these complaints sound a bit familiar...) Gotta love the passion, as the protest is gaining media attention and a heavy Twitter following. Good luck BISON!!! Fight the Powers that BE! :)
-A faithful reader (thanks) just sent information that counters the claim that Maia Campbell is addicted to drugs... it alleges that she suffers from schizophrenia. Undiagnosed much??? Someone STILL needs to get that chile some help and a hug.
-CiCi (Ciara) is now reporting that she is NOT engaged... Is this to shake the media and fans?? we'll see.
Who loves you?? (Smile)
Happy Long-Weekend Friday!!!!! It's been a quick stretch, but we're in September of 2009!!?! Last call for the all-white ensembles and full linen suits. This is the wknd for the final cookout of the summer, fall shopping, and par-tayS cause there's NO WORK on MONDAY!!! sooooooooo...
-Everyone is talking, blogging, and tweeting about In The House Actress Maia Campell's photos and video of her antics while high on crystal meth. This story is sad, but nothing new. People should pray for her, for reports of her addiction have been around for several years now. It's very sad that some people would rather exploit her celebrity for a story than get her help so she can take care of her daughter. God Bless that situation.
-When will it end?? Jasmine Lynn, a young female student from Kansas City, was killed by a stray bullet that struck her chest near the campus of Clark University. The 19-year old was a Sophmore psychology major at Spelman College in Atlanta Georgia. Yes, local violence has once again plagued a young co-ed at our HBCU's. was a Sophmore Sociology major from Kansas My prayers and heart go out to her family and many friends that mourn her loss, as well as the West End community that continues to deal with senseless violence. Gun violence plagued my campus while I was a student at Howard, and I know based on the outrageous statistics (85 Americans die from gun violence daily) that many others share a similar testimony. Aside from affecting innocent college students, gun violence affects everyone in our communities. The rhetorical question of life: What are we going to do about it??!!! Spelman College and Howard University will join together for a candlelight vigil on Sept. 18th in protest to end gun violence. Let's hope their example of protest is contagious.
-"Neffe" and Kim Zolciak (The ATL Housewife) are in a classless Twitter-battle. Is ANYONE surprised by this Junior High exchange? And I didn't know Neffe could spell, much less put anyone on blast via "Twitter". SMH.
-Ludacris and his Ludacris Foundation will be giving away (10) cars to those Atlians in need, based on a 300 word essay submission!!! Way to give back to the community during this economic climate!!
-Today is BEEEE-YAKI's (whomp) birthday!!!!!!!! Have a blessed 28th...
-The Best Entertainer in the WORLD is laid to rest today, and the world continues to mourn. We MISS YOU MICHAEL!!!!! RIP.
I hope youall have a wonderful wknd planned, as I do, and I'll write to you soon!!! Take care luvs, and happy (early) Labor Day!!!!
-Everyone is talking, blogging, and tweeting about In The House Actress Maia Campell's photos and video of her antics while high on crystal meth. This story is sad, but nothing new. People should pray for her, for reports of her addiction have been around for several years now. It's very sad that some people would rather exploit her celebrity for a story than get her help so she can take care of her daughter. God Bless that situation.
-When will it end?? Jasmine Lynn, a young female student from Kansas City, was killed by a stray bullet that struck her chest near the campus of Clark University. The 19-year old was a Sophmore psychology major at Spelman College in Atlanta Georgia. Yes, local violence has once again plagued a young co-ed at our HBCU's. was a Sophmore Sociology major from Kansas My prayers and heart go out to her family and many friends that mourn her loss, as well as the West End community that continues to deal with senseless violence. Gun violence plagued my campus while I was a student at Howard, and I know based on the outrageous statistics (85 Americans die from gun violence daily) that many others share a similar testimony. Aside from affecting innocent college students, gun violence affects everyone in our communities. The rhetorical question of life: What are we going to do about it??!!! Spelman College and Howard University will join together for a candlelight vigil on Sept. 18th in protest to end gun violence. Let's hope their example of protest is contagious.
-"Neffe" and Kim Zolciak (The ATL Housewife) are in a classless Twitter-battle. Is ANYONE surprised by this Junior High exchange? And I didn't know Neffe could spell, much less put anyone on blast via "Twitter". SMH.
-Ludacris and his Ludacris Foundation will be giving away (10) cars to those Atlians in need, based on a 300 word essay submission!!! Way to give back to the community during this economic climate!!
-Today is BEEEE-YAKI's (whomp) birthday!!!!!!!! Have a blessed 28th...
-The Best Entertainer in the WORLD is laid to rest today, and the world continues to mourn. We MISS YOU MICHAEL!!!!! RIP.
I hope youall have a wonderful wknd planned, as I do, and I'll write to you soon!!! Take care luvs, and happy (early) Labor Day!!!!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
CBreezy and his Bow Tie... Still Need More People...
Happy Thursday Kids!!!! Hopped up out tha bed... turned my swaggggg on... headed to work. YEeeeea!!! LOL. We're only One more day away from this glorious holiday wknd, I hope you're narrowing your plans down, as I am. Daily Dose time luvs!! LET's GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Don't Rememeber, Don't Feel Like Discussing, Don't know what happend, But I LUV HER...."
-If you were not tuned into CNN last night like the millions of American viewers, you missed the first interview given by Chris Brown on Larry King Live. Well, it really wasn't just Chris, Larry interviewed Chris' Mama, his lawyer, and Breezy's bow tie. Yes, he and his stylist settled on a turquoise blue sweater and bow tie combination, a la the Nation of Islam. Larry was asking all the right questions, the hard hitting basics that errrryone wanted to know:
What happened that night? What caused you to turn violent? Are you two still speaking? Friends? Do you love her? What happened that night? Do you remember what happened that night? (And of course) WHAT HAPPENED THAT NIGHT?!?!
Chris dogged a direct response with the skill of R.Kelly during a BET interview, and it all felt rather rehearsed. Rehearsed even on the part of Brown's mother, who cried on cue, recalled no prior instances of violence or ill-temper on the part of her baaabee Chris, loves RiRi, and is sad it occurred, whomp whomp. Larry King even called the team out on prior instances of abuse (no charges, just reported instances) and no one had any recollection of what Larry was talking about?! SMH. Chris admitted that he still was in love with RiRi, and that he remains forever...sorry... but provided no insight to what happened that night (for the sake of his and RiRi's PRIVACY--right). The lawyer joked several times throughout the interview and seemingly implied that Chris' celebrity made the instance such a sensation (ERR??! Not the pics of RiRi's face or the fact he's an abuser??!) . The team faulted the "immature" media (thanks Chris for the new term) for printing rumors and judging without knowing the details. But, eh, Chris, you're convicted and when given opportunity to talk... errytime you get to stuttering and go silent?! WTH!!!!!
Domestic violence isn't right, and surely the man isn't always the bully--he can be provoked. BUT: bottom line, the male has the physical advantage, cannot afford to "loose control", and should always just walk away to avoid further consequence both physical and legal. When the man continues to place himself in situations that provoke his anger (staying w. a crazy woman) knowing he has no control, then one may be inviting negative consequences. I'm just saying, there are millions who want to know WTH happened, and Chris' testimony may have provided insight to another person's abuse issues. I didn't mean to vent so tough, but this story always gets me riled up. Overall, I was let down by the interview, for I truly wanted an explanation, but have resolved to let it go... Still not buying the new CBreezy Album whenever it drops. Sowwwwwy!
Stay blessed, love one another, and walk away from crazy/ violent situations!!!!! Write to you luvs tomorrow!!
I Don't Rememeber, Don't Feel Like Discussing, Don't know what happend, But I LUV HER...."

-If you were not tuned into CNN last night like the millions of American viewers, you missed the first interview given by Chris Brown on Larry King Live. Well, it really wasn't just Chris, Larry interviewed Chris' Mama, his lawyer, and Breezy's bow tie. Yes, he and his stylist settled on a turquoise blue sweater and bow tie combination, a la the Nation of Islam. Larry was asking all the right questions, the hard hitting basics that errrryone wanted to know:
What happened that night? What caused you to turn violent? Are you two still speaking? Friends? Do you love her? What happened that night? Do you remember what happened that night? (And of course) WHAT HAPPENED THAT NIGHT?!?!
Chris dogged a direct response with the skill of R.Kelly during a BET interview, and it all felt rather rehearsed. Rehearsed even on the part of Brown's mother, who cried on cue, recalled no prior instances of violence or ill-temper on the part of her baaabee Chris, loves RiRi, and is sad it occurred, whomp whomp. Larry King even called the team out on prior instances of abuse (no charges, just reported instances) and no one had any recollection of what Larry was talking about?! SMH. Chris admitted that he still was in love with RiRi, and that he remains forever...sorry... but provided no insight to what happened that night (for the sake of his and RiRi's PRIVACY--right). The lawyer joked several times throughout the interview and seemingly implied that Chris' celebrity made the instance such a sensation (ERR??! Not the pics of RiRi's face or the fact he's an abuser??!) . The team faulted the "immature" media (thanks Chris for the new term) for printing rumors and judging without knowing the details. But, eh, Chris, you're convicted and when given opportunity to talk... errytime you get to stuttering and go silent?! WTH!!!!!
Domestic violence isn't right, and surely the man isn't always the bully--he can be provoked. BUT: bottom line, the male has the physical advantage, cannot afford to "loose control", and should always just walk away to avoid further consequence both physical and legal. When the man continues to place himself in situations that provoke his anger (staying w. a crazy woman) knowing he has no control, then one may be inviting negative consequences. I'm just saying, there are millions who want to know WTH happened, and Chris' testimony may have provided insight to another person's abuse issues. I didn't mean to vent so tough, but this story always gets me riled up. Overall, I was let down by the interview, for I truly wanted an explanation, but have resolved to let it go... Still not buying the new CBreezy Album whenever it drops. Sowwwwwy!
Stay blessed, love one another, and walk away from crazy/ violent situations!!!!! Write to you luvs tomorrow!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Homecoming Warm up, Wal-Mart Slap Down?!
Happy Humpday Kids!! Don't u just love Wednesdays, and the verification that the work week is just about done? I DO!!!! The year is just rushing by, and now is the time to start planning for my favorite time of year, HOMECOMING!!! Oh yes, chile. I'm a Bison through and through and remain faithful to my Alma Matter's annual event in Washington, DC (this year- Oct. 24th wnkd!!) But I grew up on the Southern-fried, Saturday morning parade, Step-show kick-off, tailgating fellowship-fest that is the HBCU Homecoming experience (Shouts out to SCSCU, VSU, the AUC, HU(the Institute), NCA&T, and VUU for the "training" and many experiences). I'm going to highlight activities for this year's upcoming extravaganza, and encourage you to fill me in on your favorite Homecoming activites so they can post for errrrrybody else!!! New event postings every week. LET's GET IT!!!!!
-Howard Homecoming 2009-
MAIN EVENT: Night @ the Museum!
-Every year there's one party that is not to be missed... and I'm calling this party as THE ONE!! The Friday night on the eve of the classic football game, you need to be downtown at the City Museum for the Black Tie Affair that is sure to be a classic!! There is a premium open bar, bangin' DJ, access to the many levels within the hotel and valet service in the event you've had too many "spirits". I can't wait to see Howard's chicest Alums looking great and having a great time! Tickets are available for purchase using the link below:
WHERE are your PARENTS?!?!?!
-Several people sent a link to this local story... the synopsis: A woman and her crying child are in their local Stone Mountain Wal-mart when an older man asks the mother to shut the child up. After this fails, he then SLAPS the child several times across the face in the attempt to get her quiet. He now faces criminal charges. I know everyone is in agreement that NO ONE should blatantly slap a child that is not their own... but I had several questions when I read this story:
1. WHY didn't the parent want to quiet her OWN child, prior to someone having to say anything?? You know those parents that act like their child's dysfunctions and inability to behave with any sense in public doesn't affect others? yea, THOSE parents, they are neglecting parental responsibility. I've said it. A child is taught self-control in the home, and on a consistent bases. If the child can't act right in Wal-Mart, hell. Maybe YOU the parent should be slapped.
2. Once the man, that is a COMPLETE STRANGER, proceeds to threaten then SLAP your child, where were the parental reflexes?? Cultural Example: Black mothers, (general & close example) tend to puff up in the chest, and raise that Right hand once she even senses her child is in danger. So, WHERE was the Tyson-esqe blow to the man's dome once he struck the child? Any great defense lawyer would've made sure she served no time for almost killing a stranger that STRUCK her child. Repeatedly. In PUBLIC.
3. What's wrong with society that there was an audience whilst all this happens in isle 14?? Like, surely as roaches have kids, there were other parents around, and not one wanted to diffuse the situation before it escalated, nor start a mob to JUMP the bama man that is smackin' lil kids around for crying?? SMH. I don't understand... I just DON't understand...
People should take tests to qualify to raise children. I know I'm not a parent, but I'm just sayin'... just bc you CAN, def. doesn't mean you SHOULD. Glad I wasn't in Wal-Mart at the time, for even as a by-stander there would've ben tro-ble, trou-BLE!!!
Write to you tomorrow!Enjoy the weather change kids!!! It's nice and breeezy in the A... a great day to SHOP after work!!! Stay blessed!
-Howard Homecoming 2009-
MAIN EVENT: Night @ the Museum!
-Every year there's one party that is not to be missed... and I'm calling this party as THE ONE!! The Friday night on the eve of the classic football game, you need to be downtown at the City Museum for the Black Tie Affair that is sure to be a classic!! There is a premium open bar, bangin' DJ, access to the many levels within the hotel and valet service in the event you've had too many "spirits". I can't wait to see Howard's chicest Alums looking great and having a great time! Tickets are available for purchase using the link below:
WHERE are your PARENTS?!?!?!
-Several people sent a link to this local story... the synopsis: A woman and her crying child are in their local Stone Mountain Wal-mart when an older man asks the mother to shut the child up. After this fails, he then SLAPS the child several times across the face in the attempt to get her quiet. He now faces criminal charges. I know everyone is in agreement that NO ONE should blatantly slap a child that is not their own... but I had several questions when I read this story:
1. WHY didn't the parent want to quiet her OWN child, prior to someone having to say anything?? You know those parents that act like their child's dysfunctions and inability to behave with any sense in public doesn't affect others? yea, THOSE parents, they are neglecting parental responsibility. I've said it. A child is taught self-control in the home, and on a consistent bases. If the child can't act right in Wal-Mart, hell. Maybe YOU the parent should be slapped.
2. Once the man, that is a COMPLETE STRANGER, proceeds to threaten then SLAP your child, where were the parental reflexes?? Cultural Example: Black mothers, (general & close example) tend to puff up in the chest, and raise that Right hand once she even senses her child is in danger. So, WHERE was the Tyson-esqe blow to the man's dome once he struck the child? Any great defense lawyer would've made sure she served no time for almost killing a stranger that STRUCK her child. Repeatedly. In PUBLIC.
3. What's wrong with society that there was an audience whilst all this happens in isle 14?? Like, surely as roaches have kids, there were other parents around, and not one wanted to diffuse the situation before it escalated, nor start a mob to JUMP the bama man that is smackin' lil kids around for crying?? SMH. I don't understand... I just DON't understand...
People should take tests to qualify to raise children. I know I'm not a parent, but I'm just sayin'... just bc you CAN, def. doesn't mean you SHOULD. Glad I wasn't in Wal-Mart at the time, for even as a by-stander there would've ben tro-ble, trou-BLE!!!
Write to you tomorrow!Enjoy the weather change kids!!! It's nice and breeezy in the A... a great day to SHOP after work!!! Stay blessed!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Small Dose, Thankful TUESDAY!!!!
Happy Tuesday! I had a praise and worship attack whilst headed (late) to my job this morning, and I just feel the need to say THANK YOU LORD, for this blessed day, THANKS to any and everyone who visits the site, and may you all have a blessed and wonderful day!!!!!! Now, for your daily dose...
-So unless you've been living under a rock, the young man Trey Songz' album Ready drops today on Arista. Trey has been promoting this project (seriously) the entire duration of 2009. He's been on every radio station, BET Program, social networking site, skate party, and viral video outlet imaginable. He's got Black Hollywood on his side, promoting his "evolution" as marked by the rejection of that GAWD awful braid style, and he's performing live at your nearest media outlet throughout the week. Someone said, he's "READY". After listening, my LS remarked that she, "threw her panties at the CD player". Nuff said. Check his new album, and formulate your own opinion.
-Also, Jay Z's new album, Blue Print 3 was leaked early yesterday, and if you follow me on Twitter or checked Crackbook, I was listening for it on QDEEZY.net, THE formative site for Hip-Hop entertainment. Although the commercial release is Sept. 15, the streets have already deemed it a must cop... not sure about classic status though.
-My current *fav. song* (Code for Be Sure and Download) is Yo Gotti's "Five Starrr Chick". ACT like ya KNOW!!!!!-http://keepittrill.com/media/2009/08/yo-gotti-5-star-chick/
(Guess you know my FAV verse... LOL) Gotti's in town tonight promoting this new single w. Kandi (yes, THAT housewife) at PEARL in ATL.
-50 Cent is engaged to Ciara. Really? I'm not sure how true this lil' news nugget is, but MTO is screaming for credit. If so, I guess the world must prepare for an onslaught of reality show footage, radio-ready collaborations, and 106&Park "boo" shout-outs from this rather boring high-profile couple. Blessings just the same, for marriage is a real commitment... unless you're a celebrity. Not much else to report... I'm bored already. LOL.
With that-on this slooow news day--I'm going to regroup/refocus this evening. I'll be back at it writing to you Luvs, in the AM!!! Stay blessed...
-So unless you've been living under a rock, the young man Trey Songz' album Ready drops today on Arista. Trey has been promoting this project (seriously) the entire duration of 2009. He's been on every radio station, BET Program, social networking site, skate party, and viral video outlet imaginable. He's got Black Hollywood on his side, promoting his "evolution" as marked by the rejection of that GAWD awful braid style, and he's performing live at your nearest media outlet throughout the week. Someone said, he's "READY". After listening, my LS remarked that she, "threw her panties at the CD player". Nuff said. Check his new album, and formulate your own opinion.
-Also, Jay Z's new album, Blue Print 3 was leaked early yesterday, and if you follow me on Twitter or checked Crackbook, I was listening for it on QDEEZY.net, THE formative site for Hip-Hop entertainment. Although the commercial release is Sept. 15, the streets have already deemed it a must cop... not sure about classic status though.
-My current *fav. song* (Code for Be Sure and Download) is Yo Gotti's "Five Starrr Chick". ACT like ya KNOW!!!!!-http://keepittrill.com/media/2009/08/yo-gotti-5-star-chick/
(Guess you know my FAV verse... LOL) Gotti's in town tonight promoting this new single w. Kandi (yes, THAT housewife) at PEARL in ATL.
-50 Cent is engaged to Ciara. Really? I'm not sure how true this lil' news nugget is, but MTO is screaming for credit. If so, I guess the world must prepare for an onslaught of reality show footage, radio-ready collaborations, and 106&Park "boo" shout-outs from this rather boring high-profile couple. Blessings just the same, for marriage is a real commitment... unless you're a celebrity. Not much else to report... I'm bored already. LOL.
With that-on this slooow news day--I'm going to regroup/refocus this evening. I'll be back at it writing to you Luvs, in the AM!!! Stay blessed...
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