1. Abundance of Ads Pulled in Protest of Glenn Beck (Hate Shows in general)
-Kids, Kids, Kids...what interesting times we reside, when even Wal-Mart isn't backing one's freedom to bash?! So Glenn Beck, among SEVERAL other shows sponsored by FOX NEWS, has a talk show that has dedicated it's entire 2009 programming to bashing the Presidency of Obama and his administration. No real surprise, right? The B#@$ slap in the face is the latest wave of advertisers no longer backing the hosts & their program format's hate-filled content. Not only relegated to dissatisfaction with the current US Presidency, but other topics include Muslim religion, charges of racist practices by minorities (All educated folk know this is impossible), and encouraging listeners to bear arms at public events. Advertisers fear that the growing hate associated with said programming will ultimately drive away revenue... and NO one likes to loose that money!! Now, I'm a SERIOUS Obama supporter, but appreciate free speech, but Beck, Limbaugh, O'Reily, and others who center their programming around tearing down a progressive Deomocracy shouldn't be widely supported by such larger corporations. Its unethical. Not to mention, just Tacky to think of the GEICO lizard hating on other species or rocking a swastika... (I KID, I KID) We can thank ColorofChange.org for leading the brigade of LOVE. (Smile)
2. Jasmine Fiore/ Ryan "Skeeevy" http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2009/08/24/2009-08-24_model_jasmine_fiores_mom_exboyfriend_happy_.html
-This story has captured my attention for about (2) wks now, and I think it's because 1. I love VH1 reality tv and 2. Young women searching for love in all the wrong places using sexuality as their primary vehicle has ALWAYS fascinated me. This. story. had. both. Essentially, Miss Jasmine, R.I.P. was dating this rich Skeeeve ( b.k.a. Ryan), knew of his slightly crazy past/wife-beating tendencies, but decides to marry him as he is also a millionaire. This same Skeeve also voluntarily appears on the recently pulled "Megan Wants a Millionaire" on VH1 and made it to the final 3 contestants. Meanwhile, in married-ville- Skeeve and Jasmine are gallivanting through Vegas when reports of distress surface, then, that of Jasmine as a missing person suspect. FF: Her body was found mutilated, missing fingers and teeth, and stuffed into a suitcase in a hotel dumpster. No 1. Suspect- u awwwwready know. Poor thing had to be identified by her breast implants (the serial # served as ID). Skeeve was on the run and the reason behind a week-long manhunt, that ended yesterday when he was found dead from suicide in his hotel room. WOW. Talk about True Hollyweird Story. My thoughts go out to her family, but as I listened to the story develp, I couldn't wonder why this young woman missed all the signs... I called him Skeeeevy on episode one of "Megan Wants A Millionaire". Tragic. I'll be revisiting this story as future developments arise.
3. True Blood http://www.hbo.com/trueblood/season2/
-I know. I'm never the one to jump on the whimsical, vampire, brain-washing train, but if ONE MORE PERSON hypes up this frigging show to me, I'll scream. So, I've resolved to bite the bullet, and collectively watch the first season. The girls are due, the wine is on deck, and this BETTER not interrupt my premiere showing of the Rachel Zoe Project, Season 2, tonight at 9 on Bravo (THAT's quality tv!!!) I'll let you know what my verdict is, but there's rumored to be some FINE speciman of man on this tv show. We shall see. When I start to read "Twilight"... alert the authorities. Seriously.
Lastly, shout out to Ivy Harris, for being the first to take the Fresh & Fierce Fall plunge, and rock a new DO!!! Fierce chile... let's see what this inspiration brings!!


you got skills girlie. blessed to be related to such a luminant mind. never stop shining.