"I like em thick!" A sentiment often heard throughout Urban, hip-hop or Black culture. The images of round, plump, stately women have often been associated with Black females since the formative years of American slavery. There was even a surge of promotional figurines during the early 1900's with a darker-skinned, heavy-set slave dubbed the "Mammy" character (one of four major stereotypes originally associated with Black female images**). Mammy resonates so well because her likeness could be found in many plantations, she wasn't offensive, symbolized a maternal figure and of course... food. The preparation and ingestion of food.
Never mind the key fact that slaves were given the absolute worst foods on the plantation, yet from the worst created nourishment (albeit not optimum) because everyone knows the power and resilience of our people. Mammy's imagery and stereotype has been seen throughout American history, media, and is still traced in many modern advertisements (yes, even now-I know you've seen the Pine-Sol lady always cheering you on whilst mopping the floor, or noticed that the Aunt Jemimah bottle has yet to change its packaging...). An image and stereotype that has permeated the mindset of an entire people. Most Black American families are hard pressed to find at least one female family member who isn't obese, or has an affinity for fatty foods (often disguised as "soul food"-but I digress) proudly comfortable with her larger size. There is nothing wrong with a larger size, as everyone is built differently, but I find it perplexing that within our communities it is almost glorified at times to be larger without focusing on simply living the healthiest lifestyle possible.
Only in OUR communities, or urban metropolis' that are heavily populated by brown and black people with lower socio-economic status' and limited education options, are there few grocery stores but bodgeas and service stations on every corner. Where are the Whole Food's or grocer's that carry local produce and organic options??** In addition to lack of healthy food options, there are few gyms in our communities, less and less of our youth participate in organized sports or physical activity post-school or during the weekends, and the strip malls are filled with stores catered to the "FULLER woman". Surely you've noticed that the average size of young females in middle school and high school has increased dramatically in the last decade, and in-spite of fast food restaurants attempting to provide nutritious food "options" on their menus, many people still choose the same calorie-laden, primary number meals. Don't forget the soda.
While it may be more socially accepted (globally accepted for that matter) to be slim, America in particular is hypocritical as within OUR communities we've been conditioned to generally support our obesity/ thickness/ "meat-on the bone" physiques as opposed to promoting a healthier lifestyle inclusive of proper nutrition education to ensure optimum fitness and quality of life. "Thicker" (Brown) women book magazine spreads, top billing in exploitative videos, and have sparked plastic surgery trends of women desiring a larger behind or breasts- traits easily associated with heavier women. In short, they remain sexually desirable to (Brown) men in their own right. That's not to say that bigger women aren't also under collective attack as Americans peddle weight-loss aids like prescription drugs. Surely there are self-conscious issues with being obese, but I do believe that larger women are more accepted in minority communities and that historic conditioning may have a part in that.
It becomes tricky when making comments about one's size without taking all of these many factors into account. I have played a part in the mindless promotion of thickness, and just the other day realized my lack of sensitivity, as I have always been rather thin-always healthy though- in comparison to my peers. I may never fully-relate to a fat girl's blues (no matter her color) just as a bigger girl may never-fully comprehend issues associated with being thin, Black, and a fan of hip-hop culture where your image is rarely reflected. My point is that in the midst of Black men so quick to tear us down, as females we should aim to encourage one another more to live healthy lifestyles... exercise together instead of gossip (or do both!), and swap healthy recipes instead of men (or both...LOL). In other communities different body sizes are celebrated as a diversity and I feel we can do the same within ours so long as the root focus is on living your best life. No matter your waist, breast, or butt size.
**= Additional Blog Post dedicated to the topic**
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Toyota Takes "Responsibility", Playgirl wants M. Vick, & Monica's New EYE CANDY!!
KEEPS GETTING WORSE FOR TOYOTA- It's still all bad in the world of automotive giant TOYOTA. Today company President, Akido Toyoda, spoke before the House Committee of Oversight and Government Reform (with a translator) promising to take "Full Responsibility." A brief background filler: the company has been issuing recalls on several of their vehicle models due to increased acceleration (pedal issue), easily affecting over 8.5 million cars. The kicker is that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration received complaints for years and dragged their feet to take action. Lives were lost in the meantime whilst these major corporations pocketed money... surprised anyone?!?! We live in America where quality check comes a dead last behind capital, greed, quantity and demand. This is yet another embarrassment for the automotive industry as a whole to say the least. I should hope Toyota DOES take "full responsibility"...as everyone who bought a faulty car placed their LIFE in the fate of the autos built and sold by Toyota. PSA: DON'T rush to buy the new Camery's... justsayin...
PLAYGIRL MAGAZINE WANTS MIKE VICK!!!!-Seriously... it's being reported that the publication offered the reformed dog-fighter one million dollars if he would drop trou, and donate the money to PETA. WOW!!!!! Playgirl, the same magazine that offered the world Levi Johnston's penis on a platter, is now soliciting the best quarterback in the NFL! I just can't believe they're trying to spin Mike's star-fall so fast. Hopefully his publicist never leads Vick down that trashy road and that his great comeback continues with integrity.
Click the link to see the world-famous, Tony-Award Winning, Slam-Slaughtering, Spoken Word Artist GA ME preview her talents for a National Audience on the Mo'Niqe Show!!!! The performance aired on Monday night (Feb 22) but you can catch GA ME on tour in a city near you!!!! That's MY DAWG!!!!!! (seriously) *You have to sit through several min. before the clip of Georgia... I blame BET*
MONICA'S NEW VIDEO: LOVE THE EYE CANDY- If you follow me on Twitter you know I've often ranted that I'm not a fan of the latest single from Monica. However, she's ATown, and I will support (I wrote about Wacka Flacka didn't I...). So, for all the Monica Stans (jk) here is Ms. Thang's latest video. Check for the hawtness that is Chad Ocho Cinco... (till he opens his mouth)
That's all for today. **Please view my latest section: DM (Dawnavette Message) -writing commentary on Issues pertaining to Black Females.** Preciate' ya!!!!
PLAYGIRL MAGAZINE WANTS MIKE VICK!!!!-Seriously... it's being reported that the publication offered the reformed dog-fighter one million dollars if he would drop trou, and donate the money to PETA. WOW!!!!! Playgirl, the same magazine that offered the world Levi Johnston's penis on a platter, is now soliciting the best quarterback in the NFL! I just can't believe they're trying to spin Mike's star-fall so fast. Hopefully his publicist never leads Vick down that trashy road and that his great comeback continues with integrity.
Click the link to see the world-famous, Tony-Award Winning, Slam-Slaughtering, Spoken Word Artist GA ME preview her talents for a National Audience on the Mo'Niqe Show!!!! The performance aired on Monday night (Feb 22) but you can catch GA ME on tour in a city near you!!!! That's MY DAWG!!!!!! (seriously) *You have to sit through several min. before the clip of Georgia... I blame BET*
MONICA'S NEW VIDEO: LOVE THE EYE CANDY- If you follow me on Twitter you know I've often ranted that I'm not a fan of the latest single from Monica. However, she's ATown, and I will support (I wrote about Wacka Flacka didn't I...). So, for all the Monica Stans (jk) here is Ms. Thang's latest video. Check for the hawtness that is Chad Ocho Cinco... (till he opens his mouth)
That's all for today. **Please view my latest section: DM (Dawnavette Message) -writing commentary on Issues pertaining to Black Females.** Preciate' ya!!!!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Fat Is Wack, Wayne Heads To The Slammer, Stern On IDOL?!
-Today marks the start of the National "Let's Move" campaign, an initiative led by First Lady Michelle Obama to increase awareness and reduce the statistics in childhood obesity. Michelle's focusing on four major targets: promoting physical activity, healthier foods in schools, parental education and involvement, and making healthier food more affordable. Some of the more complex initiatives, inclusive of grants that promote healthier grocery stores in impoverished communities by offering tax-breaks, require government legislation.
An ambitious undertaking as set to work alongside the numerous private, public, and government -funded organizations already in place to combat the growing epidemic. If left unchanged, younger generations run the risk of being the first slated to die before their parents due to health complications of their obesity. Diabetes and heart disease have been on the steady increase for years, both can be preventative results from obesity and a poor diet. As a **newbie vegetarian** and proponent for healthy eating, I couldn't be more pleased.
Even Michelle admits to a soft spot for junk food, stating, "We're not talking about a lifestyle that excludes all that. The question is how do we help people balance that out so that they're not facing life-threatening, preventable illnesses, but they're enjoying their food, they're eating their vegetables, they're doing their running and walking and playing and still have time to get a good, fun meal in every once in a while."
*Source: ABC News*
**newbie vegetarian- Since Jan. 2009; I eat seafood; snuck some chicken SuperBowl Sun-NEVER AGAIN!!!!**
-If you haven't heard by now, Lil Wayne was scheduled to plead guilty and begin serving in prison, sentenced to 8 months- 1 year for gun possession charges in July of 2007. *It was JUST announced that Wayne received an extension (due to dental surgery)- he won't have to appear before the judge again until March 2nd... ERR?!?!* Twitter and blogsites have been abuzz with photos from Weezy's last weekend out in Miami before his major stint. Surely you purchased Wayne's latest release, "Rebirth", his rap/rock album,or heard some Young Money family rap prophetically about their crew leader's fate on mixtapes. There's also been a media storm inclusive of the popular Rolling Stone cover/article, video message to his fans, and an exclusive MTV interview (see below) :
I received a lot of Twitter backlash because although I am empathetic to the sentiment- loss of freedom's afforded- I don't feel Lil' Wayne's situation or conviction is unjust or without merit. Meaning, we know Wayne lived a lifestyle that violated the law as he's quick to promote such in every song, video, or public appearance. So as a grown, intelligent (you ain't know Wayne was SMART?! HE's GENIUS!!), wealthy Black man in America, I'm certain he was aware of the consequences from his actions if caught or convicted. Fans should take from this example, yet another rapper jailed post-glorifying criminal behavior in their lyrics, the fact that these men end up in... JAIL.
For over 13 years I've watched rapper after rapper keep it all-too "real" by acting-out their lyrics often associated with hardened criminals. Many of the situations (especially Wayne's) could be avoided considering many rappers are affluent, have witnessed their peers fall victim to similar fates, and can devote their careers to being better artists. So WHY do we continue to see them in the headline news?? I will not be a supporter of indecent behavior, and if more folk took a stance of moral turpitude as opposed to celebrating excessive bafoonery dressed up as "REAL" "hard" or "gangsta", there would probably be less rappers in jail as they would (finally) start to loose fans.
Predictions of Wayne's popularity post his release are HIMscarical to me. Unless he'll experience a life-change as prolific as *Malcom Little's, I'm highly skeptical of any moral or lyrical difference aside from increased street cred. I'm not trying to diss Weezy's talent. I'm a HUGE fan (since he was rappin' verse-for-verse w. Turk in tha Hot Boyz) but enough is enough. I'm sure he'll make it through this life's storm, and probably serve a shorter sentence than anyone could imagine, but I'm not soliciting any additional prayer warriors on his behalf, or stressing as though he was wrongly accused. Or a Haiti earthquake victim. Or an undereducated DC youth, or even a solider in the CURRENT WAR?!?! -ok. off soap box-
*Malcom Litte- Malcom X's government name pre-Muslim conversion*
JOHN EDWARDS SEX TAPE???- Yes, it appears that the official sex tape of Senator Edwards and mistress Rielle Hunter, was ordered to be retrieved and maybe released. Will you watch that political porn???
-Today marks the start of the National "Let's Move" campaign, an initiative led by First Lady Michelle Obama to increase awareness and reduce the statistics in childhood obesity. Michelle's focusing on four major targets: promoting physical activity, healthier foods in schools, parental education and involvement, and making healthier food more affordable. Some of the more complex initiatives, inclusive of grants that promote healthier grocery stores in impoverished communities by offering tax-breaks, require government legislation.
An ambitious undertaking as set to work alongside the numerous private, public, and government -funded organizations already in place to combat the growing epidemic. If left unchanged, younger generations run the risk of being the first slated to die before their parents due to health complications of their obesity. Diabetes and heart disease have been on the steady increase for years, both can be preventative results from obesity and a poor diet. As a **newbie vegetarian** and proponent for healthy eating, I couldn't be more pleased.
Even Michelle admits to a soft spot for junk food, stating, "We're not talking about a lifestyle that excludes all that. The question is how do we help people balance that out so that they're not facing life-threatening, preventable illnesses, but they're enjoying their food, they're eating their vegetables, they're doing their running and walking and playing and still have time to get a good, fun meal in every once in a while."
*Source: ABC News*
**newbie vegetarian- Since Jan. 2009; I eat seafood; snuck some chicken SuperBowl Sun-NEVER AGAIN!!!!**
-If you haven't heard by now, Lil Wayne was scheduled to plead guilty and begin serving in prison, sentenced to 8 months- 1 year for gun possession charges in July of 2007. *It was JUST announced that Wayne received an extension (due to dental surgery)- he won't have to appear before the judge again until March 2nd... ERR?!?!* Twitter and blogsites have been abuzz with photos from Weezy's last weekend out in Miami before his major stint. Surely you purchased Wayne's latest release, "Rebirth", his rap/rock album,or heard some Young Money family rap prophetically about their crew leader's fate on mixtapes. There's also been a media storm inclusive of the popular Rolling Stone cover/article, video message to his fans, and an exclusive MTV interview (see below) :
I received a lot of Twitter backlash because although I am empathetic to the sentiment- loss of freedom's afforded- I don't feel Lil' Wayne's situation or conviction is unjust or without merit. Meaning, we know Wayne lived a lifestyle that violated the law as he's quick to promote such in every song, video, or public appearance. So as a grown, intelligent (you ain't know Wayne was SMART?! HE's GENIUS!!), wealthy Black man in America, I'm certain he was aware of the consequences from his actions if caught or convicted. Fans should take from this example, yet another rapper jailed post-glorifying criminal behavior in their lyrics, the fact that these men end up in... JAIL.
For over 13 years I've watched rapper after rapper keep it all-too "real" by acting-out their lyrics often associated with hardened criminals. Many of the situations (especially Wayne's) could be avoided considering many rappers are affluent, have witnessed their peers fall victim to similar fates, and can devote their careers to being better artists. So WHY do we continue to see them in the headline news?? I will not be a supporter of indecent behavior, and if more folk took a stance of moral turpitude as opposed to celebrating excessive bafoonery dressed up as "REAL" "hard" or "gangsta", there would probably be less rappers in jail as they would (finally) start to loose fans.
Predictions of Wayne's popularity post his release are HIMscarical to me. Unless he'll experience a life-change as prolific as *Malcom Little's, I'm highly skeptical of any moral or lyrical difference aside from increased street cred. I'm not trying to diss Weezy's talent. I'm a HUGE fan (since he was rappin' verse-for-verse w. Turk in tha Hot Boyz) but enough is enough. I'm sure he'll make it through this life's storm, and probably serve a shorter sentence than anyone could imagine, but I'm not soliciting any additional prayer warriors on his behalf, or stressing as though he was wrongly accused. Or a Haiti earthquake victim. Or an undereducated DC youth, or even a solider in the CURRENT WAR?!?! -ok. off soap box-
*Malcom Litte- Malcom X's government name pre-Muslim conversion*
**Smaller Doses**
HOWARD STERN COURTING IDEA OF HOSTING IDOL- If anyone still cares about the lack of talent and consistency that is American Idol, Simon's on his way out and Howard Stern may step in. If Idol will pay him $100 million dollars. WOW. I stopped watching this show years ago, and now that the judge's roster keeps changing like Destiny's Child... I. Just. Can't.JOHN EDWARDS SEX TAPE???- Yes, it appears that the official sex tape of Senator Edwards and mistress Rielle Hunter, was ordered to be retrieved and maybe released. Will you watch that political porn???
Monday, February 8, 2010
-Over the Super Bowl weekend, Diddy decided to provide an impromptu video of his smash, underground remix of Wacka Flocka's hit "O Let's Do IT"!!!!! Ya'll know I HATED the original... but Diddy's verse has been on repeat ALL DAY LONG!!!!!! He makes errrryone a believer when he reminds (o soooo boss-like) that the last few years have been filled with imitators of his legendary swag!!! (yea I said it- swag. I know it's overused. I'm trying to stop) ANYway- turn up ya speakers to the HAWTness that is the Gmix. Diddy Style.
*I don't mess w. fake ho's, I only mess with J-LO's
Oh yea. You know what school he attended, right??? HUUUUUUU!!!!!!! YOUUUU KNOOOOWW!!!!!
*I sip my own shit...Ciroc by the CASE LOAD *I don't mess w. fake ho's, I only mess with J-LO's
Oh yea. You know what school he attended, right??? HUUUUUUU!!!!!!! YOUUUU KNOOOOWW!!!!!
*Video of Jigga's Official Super Bowl Intro w. Orchestra- whomp whomp/ commercialism*
-Yes, it's past official. The New Orleans SAINTS defeated the Indianapolis COLTS 31-17, for a history-marking WIN!!!!! Phenom Drew Brees took top MVP honors, and all of South Beach was painted Black and Gold (I'm told...) Any and every fan, resident, or band wagon-hopper all over the Nation is doin' the 2nd Line, called out sick at work, and booking tickets to Mardi Gras this wknd just to continue the wave of crunkness that has taken over. Congrats... although I was always rooting for the COLTS... CONGRATS!!! Seriously. The city was past-due for reasons to celebrate, and this cause will not only bring a boost to everyone's spirits, but to the New Orleans economy as well.
-So, most of you know of my tolerate/despise relationship with Kim Kardashian, particularly when it comes to her lil' chocolate man-candy that is Reggie Bush. My official summery: I've yet to understand/support her meteoric rise to fame and success off the strength of her sex tape with RAY J, yet I can't stop watching her reality show?! Sad. I know. So you already know I'm not a supporter of she and Bush's relationship and now rumored engagement. Howevs, 2010 is the year to try and spread more love... so I've not created any picket signs or thought of crashing their impending nuptials, Angela Davis 'fro and all!!!I was in fact pleasantly satisfied when the latest sidepiece rumor leaked: Bush's constant jump-off, Carmen Otega, has surfaced with a video of her giving a tour of his Los Angeles CRIB!!!!! Way to throw salt on the eve of the alleged engagement announcement.
*video below; source: Sandra Rose*
FLAG ON THE PLAY!!!!!!! PIMPTRESS DOWN!!!! Kardashian injured!!!! There are sooo many relationship violations when a simple YouTube video exposes your man as a cheat, and his sidepiece as the crafty opportunist... I'm grabbing some popcorn. Now, this rumor/video did gain steam post the SuperBowl Champ's win... so maybe this is all manipulative exploitation...or jealousy?!?! Def. watching this drama-filled story. Why not?? It's better than the boring Ray J flick....
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Last night, BET premiered it's annual Honors special, originally taped January 16 in Washington, DC, and it was actually...well...entertaining!!!! This year's honorees included:
Queen Latifah (media), Sean "P. Diddy" Combs (entrepreneur), Dr. Kieth Black (public service) , Dr. Ruth J. Simmons (education), and Whitney Houston (entertainment).
Gabrielle Union hosted for the second year in a row, equipped with several polyester gown changes (none of which impressed moi), and several pounds of Grade-A yaki!!!Notable performances by artists including India.Arie, Maxwell, Patti LaBelle, Jasmine Sullivan, and Take 6 among others, were sprinkled throughout the show.
Diddy was blessed by an OUTSTANDING, out-ya-seat medley by Queen Mary J. Blidge; she was flawlessly styled with effortless vocals. Their bond reaches 20 years strong, and Diddy moved the crowd towards-tears during his lengthy, albeit inspiring and appropriate, acceptance speech.
I found myself puzzled at the pairing of Trey Songz and legendary Stevie Wonder...not once, but TWICE?! It was rather awkward at first...but I guess they made it work. Must say that I was too proud to see Trey (Petersburg,VA, homie) alongside greatness. The power of hard work and never giving up on a dream.
The absolute FAIL of the night was the decision to allow Ryan Leslie to sing a song. By himself. IN PUBLIC?!?! It was soo horrible, I don't EVER have to hear Ryan sing the alphabet, much less "I Choose You". EVER. I started to doubt his musical abilities (Harvard grad or NOT-that shyt STUNK!!) as he's got plenty of production credits. My advise: STAY behind the BOARDS man. Performance is not ya thing son.
During the Whitney Houston tribute, the Diva was serenaded by Jennifer Hudson belting "I Will Always Love You" and (possibly the best performance of the night) Kim Burell's serenade of "Believe In You And Me".Whitney could NOT contain herself?!?! She ran to the bottom of the stage (front of crowd) where she remained an excited sweaty mess for the duration of her "honors" set.
**More BET Honors performances from ThatGrapeJuice**
Overall, the show was quite entertaining for 2 hours, and BET did a great job saluting promeninant Black figures making strides in their respective genres.
Queen Latifah (media), Sean "P. Diddy" Combs (entrepreneur), Dr. Kieth Black (public service) , Dr. Ruth J. Simmons (education), and Whitney Houston (entertainment).
Gabrielle Union hosted for the second year in a row, equipped with several polyester gown changes (none of which impressed moi), and several pounds of Grade-A yaki!!!Notable performances by artists including India.Arie, Maxwell, Patti LaBelle, Jasmine Sullivan, and Take 6 among others, were sprinkled throughout the show.
Diddy was blessed by an OUTSTANDING, out-ya-seat medley by Queen Mary J. Blidge; she was flawlessly styled with effortless vocals. Their bond reaches 20 years strong, and Diddy moved the crowd towards-tears during his lengthy, albeit inspiring and appropriate, acceptance speech.
I found myself puzzled at the pairing of Trey Songz and legendary Stevie Wonder...not once, but TWICE?! It was rather awkward at first...but I guess they made it work. Must say that I was too proud to see Trey (Petersburg,VA, homie) alongside greatness. The power of hard work and never giving up on a dream.
The absolute FAIL of the night was the decision to allow Ryan Leslie to sing a song. By himself. IN PUBLIC?!?! It was soo horrible, I don't EVER have to hear Ryan sing the alphabet, much less "I Choose You". EVER. I started to doubt his musical abilities (Harvard grad or NOT-that shyt STUNK!!) as he's got plenty of production credits. My advise: STAY behind the BOARDS man. Performance is not ya thing son.
During the Whitney Houston tribute, the Diva was serenaded by Jennifer Hudson belting "I Will Always Love You" and (possibly the best performance of the night) Kim Burell's serenade of "Believe In You And Me".Whitney could NOT contain herself?!?! She ran to the bottom of the stage (front of crowd) where she remained an excited sweaty mess for the duration of her "honors" set.
**More BET Honors performances from ThatGrapeJuice**
Overall, the show was quite entertaining for 2 hours, and BET did a great job saluting promeninant Black figures making strides in their respective genres.
Sunday night marked the live showing of the 52 Annual Grammy Awards!!!! Below, my annual Wrap UP!!!!!!!!
-This year's show boasted some of the biggest names in music for 2009. Everyone including Katy Perry, Princess RiRi, Jay-Z, Kings of Leon, Drake, Weezy, India.Arie, Maxwell, and Trey Songz were all in attendance!! MS. Beyaki Knowles-Carter was nominated for an unprecedented 9-Grammys, (history for a female artist! She took home 6!) however... if you watched the show, it was past obvious the committee decided (months ago) to make moderately-talented Taylor Swift the show's "Darling".
Lady GaGa opened the show with an impossibly original, theatric, entertaining and phenomenal set!!! She looked and sounded like the very definition of a ROCKSTAR!! When she segued to a live piano duet with Sir Elton John, it became official that GAGA is THAT DEAL?!?! No one in the industry could deny her talent after (arguably) the night's best performance. As GAGA was the toast/talent du jour for the evening, all the other celebs tried their hardest to match her over-the-top standard...
Pink had one of the most jaw-dropping performances as she sang while being hoisted above the crowd, constantly-spinning, and dunking in water, amidst a host of arial performers. Unsure if she was living out a circus fantasy, but she soaked half the audience in her sheer/nude/body suit with ribbons covering her lady pieces...I was underwhelmed.
Not to be outdone, Beyaki sang "If I Were A Boy" and mid-set broke into a raunchy cover of Alanis Morrisette's "You Outta Know". She performed in a futuristic, structured, black mini-dress, complete with male military brigade, pyrotechnics, and Kerri Hilson-esque floor grind?!?! Whatthejoejacksonhell?!?! No "Single Ladies"?!?! NINE nominieees and she resorted to foolywang. WOW. She did shout out her "husband", a first that obviously shocked Jigga himself.
Jamie Foxx had a hillarious set intro, a high-energy performance, but then lost me completely when he went over the top (GAGA INFLUENCE) with smoke, strobe lights, guitarist Slash (ERR?!?!), a coon-tastic T-Pain and Jaimie's biological sister...all colliding at the end of "Blame It On The Alcohol". Indeed.
Press Sweetheart Taylor Swift performed live with Stevie Nicks...it was thisclose to unbearable?!?! That lil' gurl can't sing live, and I'm PAST ready for her to crawl under a daum ROCK!!!!
The much-hyped Michael Jackson tribute was a dissapointment that featured Carrie Underwood (ER?), Smokey Robinson, Usher, and JHud. Though the artists sounded good on Michael's "What About Us", the 3-D technology was a let down. Prince and Paris, MJ's children, accepted the award on his behalf dressed like lil' MJ's; eloquent yet awkward at the same time. The tribute set served as official realization that MJ is seriously gone and all that's left are...well...everyone else. (JHud looked SMASHING though!!)
Maxwell took home his first Grammy, and attempted a live performance (def. wasn't his best. I was saddened) and the show closed with Drake, Lil' Wayne, and Eminem rapping "Forever". In the midst of ALL of the Grammy action, one question continued blaring: WHERE THE FCUK IS KANYE WEST?!?!?! THE GAME NEEDED YOU!!!!!!!! I thirsted for Kanye's live artistry, musicianship, and award acceptance (as he won 2 Grammys. Talent is UNDENIABLE). We miss you Kanye. We now know Taylor Swift is the Illuminati, and you were right per usual. PLEASE make a public comeback to music. Thanks.
Complete Listing of Nominees/ Winners
5. Miley Cirus-chose a long-sleeved micro mini (Herve Leger) that was fresh, youthful, and made her a chic standout on the carpet. (loved this look)
4. Jennifer Hudson- the structured and modern design accentuated her PERFECTLY. The best I've ever seen her look, and she OWNED the bangs!
3. Lea Michelle-Lea's quite the new fashion plate, and the cocktail length that showed off her gams, mixed with the feathered skirt-POW!!!
2. Princess RiRi-WHAT ARTWORK!!!! Her dress was perfection!!! She'd have been #1 if she opted for different hair & makeup as her choice washed her out. The dress wore RiRi, and that never happens...
1. Lady GaGa-ROCKSTAR FASHION that is toooo fresh for commentary. She killed it. Thank you Mr. Armani.
4. Taylor Swift- A fail from the color, sequence, and tacky hemline. whomp whomp.
3. Ke$ha-ZERO fashion sense, outdated dress and tacky color/ detail. She wasn't serious...was she??
2. Beyaki- It appeared she rocked floor-length Coogie wear; her hair was too tacky to type about.
1. Katy Perry-Whatthejoejacksonhell did she select?! Bedazzled floral accents, unflattering color, and wack draping. Katy. STOP IT?!?!
**Click link to view Red Carpet Fashion Mentioned**
Overall, I'd give the Grammys a C+, with GaGa extra credit (she def. was my pick as the night's best). What did you think?
-This year's show boasted some of the biggest names in music for 2009. Everyone including Katy Perry, Princess RiRi, Jay-Z, Kings of Leon, Drake, Weezy, India.Arie, Maxwell, and Trey Songz were all in attendance!! MS. Beyaki Knowles-Carter was nominated for an unprecedented 9-Grammys, (history for a female artist! She took home 6!) however... if you watched the show, it was past obvious the committee decided (months ago) to make moderately-talented Taylor Swift the show's "Darling".
Lady GaGa opened the show with an impossibly original, theatric, entertaining and phenomenal set!!! She looked and sounded like the very definition of a ROCKSTAR!! When she segued to a live piano duet with Sir Elton John, it became official that GAGA is THAT DEAL?!?! No one in the industry could deny her talent after (arguably) the night's best performance. As GAGA was the toast/talent du jour for the evening, all the other celebs tried their hardest to match her over-the-top standard...
Pink had one of the most jaw-dropping performances as she sang while being hoisted above the crowd, constantly-spinning, and dunking in water, amidst a host of arial performers. Unsure if she was living out a circus fantasy, but she soaked half the audience in her sheer/nude/body suit with ribbons covering her lady pieces...I was underwhelmed.
Not to be outdone, Beyaki sang "If I Were A Boy" and mid-set broke into a raunchy cover of Alanis Morrisette's "You Outta Know". She performed in a futuristic, structured, black mini-dress, complete with male military brigade, pyrotechnics, and Kerri Hilson-esque floor grind?!?! Whatthejoejacksonhell?!?! No "Single Ladies"?!?! NINE nominieees and she resorted to foolywang. WOW. She did shout out her "husband", a first that obviously shocked Jigga himself.
Jamie Foxx had a hillarious set intro, a high-energy performance, but then lost me completely when he went over the top (GAGA INFLUENCE) with smoke, strobe lights, guitarist Slash (ERR?!?!), a coon-tastic T-Pain and Jaimie's biological sister...all colliding at the end of "Blame It On The Alcohol". Indeed.
Press Sweetheart Taylor Swift performed live with Stevie Nicks...it was thisclose to unbearable?!?! That lil' gurl can't sing live, and I'm PAST ready for her to crawl under a daum ROCK!!!!
The much-hyped Michael Jackson tribute was a dissapointment that featured Carrie Underwood (ER?), Smokey Robinson, Usher, and JHud. Though the artists sounded good on Michael's "What About Us", the 3-D technology was a let down. Prince and Paris, MJ's children, accepted the award on his behalf dressed like lil' MJ's; eloquent yet awkward at the same time. The tribute set served as official realization that MJ is seriously gone and all that's left are...well...everyone else. (JHud looked SMASHING though!!)
Maxwell took home his first Grammy, and attempted a live performance (def. wasn't his best. I was saddened) and the show closed with Drake, Lil' Wayne, and Eminem rapping "Forever". In the midst of ALL of the Grammy action, one question continued blaring: WHERE THE FCUK IS KANYE WEST?!?!?! THE GAME NEEDED YOU!!!!!!!! I thirsted for Kanye's live artistry, musicianship, and award acceptance (as he won 2 Grammys. Talent is UNDENIABLE). We miss you Kanye. We now know Taylor Swift is the Illuminati, and you were right per usual. PLEASE make a public comeback to music. Thanks.
Complete Listing of Nominees/ Winners
5. Miley Cirus-chose a long-sleeved micro mini (Herve Leger) that was fresh, youthful, and made her a chic standout on the carpet. (loved this look)
4. Jennifer Hudson- the structured and modern design accentuated her PERFECTLY. The best I've ever seen her look, and she OWNED the bangs!
3. Lea Michelle-Lea's quite the new fashion plate, and the cocktail length that showed off her gams, mixed with the feathered skirt-POW!!!
2. Princess RiRi-WHAT ARTWORK!!!! Her dress was perfection!!! She'd have been #1 if she opted for different hair & makeup as her choice washed her out. The dress wore RiRi, and that never happens...
1. Lady GaGa-ROCKSTAR FASHION that is toooo fresh for commentary. She killed it. Thank you Mr. Armani.
5. Carrie Underwood- looked like cheap paper mache.Ew.4. Taylor Swift- A fail from the color, sequence, and tacky hemline. whomp whomp.
3. Ke$ha-ZERO fashion sense, outdated dress and tacky color/ detail. She wasn't serious...was she??
2. Beyaki- It appeared she rocked floor-length Coogie wear; her hair was too tacky to type about.
1. Katy Perry-Whatthejoejacksonhell did she select?! Bedazzled floral accents, unflattering color, and wack draping. Katy. STOP IT?!?!
**Click link to view Red Carpet Fashion Mentioned**
Overall, I'd give the Grammys a C+, with GaGa extra credit (she def. was my pick as the night's best). What did you think?
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